by | Jan 26, 2015 | 4 comments

motivation monday the lyons share

Happy Motivation Monday!

January is flying by, and most people have either long forgotten their New Year’s Resolutions, or are getting frustrated by the fact that they haven’t completed their Resolutions yet.  A few of my clients yesterday expressed frustration that they weren’t “there yet,” and it was my job to remind them of the great progress that they’ve made.

strive for progress not perfection

(picture source)

I’ve suggested that a great goal is to find yourself one step ahead of where you were yesterday, told you that continuous improvement is my ultimate goal, and even suggested that you don’t have to be good enough for anyone but yourself, but the topic is worth revisiting, because it’s so important.

You don’t have to strive for perfection.  You don’t have to be “there yet.”  You don’t have to have it all together in terms of your health.  I’d argue that VERY few people do have all of their health goals under perfect control (and I’m certainly not one of them!).  But, you know what?  That’s OK!

stop beating yourself up

(picture source)

As long as we continue to strive for progress, we’re doing the right thing for our bodies and our long-term health.  Slow progress still IS progress, and is definitely something to be proud of.

slow progress is still progress

(picture source)

So today, I urge you to give yourself a pat on the back for any progress that you’re making.  Remember, as long as you’re putting one foot in front of the other, you’re doing the right thing.

So tell me in the comments … What is one way you can celebrate your progress, even if you haven’t reached your goals?


  1. Kristen

    I really needed to read this today! I haven’t run in a few days because my shoes caused my feel to get a mini-injury (at least I hope it’s mini!) and I feel so lazy and worthless since I can’t keep up with my training right now. I’m getting new shoes in the mail tomorrow and hopefully that will put me back on track! But for now, it’s good to focus on the fact that i WAS keeping up with my training before getting hurt and I’m trying my best. I have 6 weeks left in training so I know I have time to make up for this (hopefully small) break that I need to take. Thanks for the reminder that it’s all about progress!

  2. Michael Anderson

    I think the biggest thing you can do is just enjoy your small successes – and try to get at least ONE success every day.

    Maybe your lunch wasn’t the best choice, but you had a great dinner. Celebrate your victory!

    Didn’t get to the gym? Walk around your office area, take a meeting standing up. Drink more water. And then celebrate.

  3. Karen

    I’ve been working on my health and weight with Megan for over 2 years, and I have taken baby baby baby steps the whole way………and I can finally say that I have permanently changed my LIFESTYLE.
    I still have work to do, but it’s a great feeling to know that I CAN DO IT.
    Happy Monday – Happy Lifestyle.



  1. You are a beautiful work in progress. – WellBlog - […] A Reminder: Progress, Not Perfection […]

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Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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