by | Aug 4, 2014 | 12 comments

*Thank you so much for your support on my “What is a Health Coach?” video, my Foodie Friday in a Flash video on avocados, and my Facebook post from the weekend.  I appreciate every comment and email!*

motivation monday

For Motivation Monday today, just a simple reminder to keep striving to take care of your body.  Wherever we are on our journeys toward health, there is always room for improvement, so I encourage you to pick just one thing today and work towards better health.  Will it be drinking more water, eating a healthy meal, getting more sleep, fitting in some exercise, practicing gratitude, or something completely different?  Whatever it is, remember that you’re doing your future self a favor by protecting and strengthening the only place you have to live.


(picture source)

Taking care of yourself – body, mind, and spirit – doesn’t have to be something for which we feel ashamed or something we put at the bottom of the priority list.  It doesn’t have to mean working out so hard you’re miserable or eating foods you don’t like.  It doesn’t have to take up every moment of every day.  Simply find a way to make taking care of yourself enjoyable – you’ll see more benefits and feel less overwhelmed.

fall in love with taking care of yourself

(picture source)

So tell me in the comments … How are you going to take care of yourself today?  Make it a great day!


  1. lindsay

    you know my feelings! why i am walking more. xxoo

    • Megan Lyons

      Went on a great hike in Colorado today and thought of you! <3

  2. Michael Anderson

    I have been working on taking my disconnected time more seriously, and have been doing pretty well with it … it took me through Sunday night to get through all of the backlog from our college trip day on Friday!

    Also have cut to 1 soda per day, and my goal is to enter 2015 soda-free!

    • Megan Lyons

      Isn’t it amazing that once you start to disconnect, it just seems so much easier to do so? My lack of blogging lately is a good example ;), but I’m back to normal after my last testimonials post tomorrow!

  3. Tonya@Budget and the Beach

    Always a good reminder. It’s not about depriving yourself…it’s about adding new things to your life that your body will feel good about. So don’t NOT eat that chocolate chip cookie, but DO add some broccoli to your life. 🙂 I have a stupid cold right now, which is making me appreciate when I do feel healthy. Having a cough is making it near impossible to work out, which makes me feel worse.

    • Megan Lyons

      I’m so sorry about your cold … I hope that it’s far gone now that I’ve taken so long to respond!

    • Megan Lyons

      Cutting yourself slack is also taking care of your body! I think you deserve it, Deborah!

  4. Lisa @ Running Out Of Wine

    Lately I have been focusing on eating really well after my workouts and drinking more water than usual throughout the day! Once you start doing stuff like that consistently its more likely to make it a habit that will stick:)

    • Megan Lyons

      Awesome, Lisa! Perfect time to start focusing on these as you ramp up your training!

  5. Carina

    Sundays are my best example of this — take care of body (long run and yoga), take care of mind (Chinese class), take care of spirit (dinner with the AC and church). Can’t quite devote as much time to each during the week, but it’s nice to have even one day that fits so well in each of the categories.

    • Megan Lyons

      I hope you enjoyed this Sunday, too! Sounds like a great balance of mind, body, and spirit! 🙂


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Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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