**If you’re participating in the 30 Day Ab Challenge, be sure you start your exercises today and record your time on the Google Doc!**
For Motivation Monday, I want to talk about the best way to inspire others. When you have been inspired to change your own life, was it because someone told you that you needed to change? I’d guess that it wasn’t. Instead, you were most likely inspired because you saw something in someone else that you aspired to be – whether it was the way they dressed professionally but still fashionably, the way they helped others selflessly, or the way they radiated the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Right? I would argue that the best way to inspire others is to be the example. (picture source)
Live your own life exactly as you’re doing, and watch the positive impact it can have on others. Smile at strangers, talk about how wonderful your weekend was, go on eating your healthy lunch that you packed from home while others are hitting the vending machine. Don’t rub it in their faces – wait for them to ask! It’s so much more powerful that way. Plus, I truly believe that people won’t change until they’re ready, so if you are preaching how people should do this or should be that, it will likely sound more annoying than helpful. (picture source – can only find the image page, not the real source)
Now, if you really think about the situation we’re in right now, my message could be seen as a bit hypocritical. I’m writing here on a public blog, sharing health tips, interesting research, healthy recipes, and things that have worked for me. But if you’ve been a reader for a while, I hope you know that I blog only to offer suggestions and guidance that will help you find your own way. I firmly believe that there is not one right way of doing anything that can apply to every single person – that is why my version of health coaching is a journey of exploration and finding what works for each person, rather than me simply prescribing a diet or rigid plan. In my real life, I do not go around telling everyone I see what they should eat, or the workout they need to be doing. I simply go on living my own life and hope that it can inspire others, just as I’m getting inspired by them!
So tell me in the comments … How are you usually inspired by others? Do you believe in leading (or inspiring) by example? Who is the last person that inspired you, and why?
Great post. I am inspired by example, especially by those people that become so definite about what they want to accomplish and let nothing stand in their way.
Thanks for sharing, Anne! I try to be more definite about what I want to accomplish every day 🙂
I find that I’m inspired by example AND when they’re practicing what they preach. So there’s both the telling and the action. Recently I’ve been inspired by you Megan 🙂 and by a few business and branding coaches. It’s great to surrounded by such strong women!
Oh Lori thank you so much! This makes my day. You inspire me as well! Thanks so much for all you do!
I am most inspired by people that are always on a mission to improve themselves. I love what you said to lead by example and not be pushy. That is something that we learn through life because you feel that what you have is so important that you want to share it. This is not always the best way to help others. Great article!
Thank you, Milan! We know as health coaches that it’s often best to help others when THEY are ready!
I don’t think I ever set out to inspire others, but I DO love to talk about things I’m passionate about and if that can inspire someone then great! Everyone needs to decide for themselves if they need to make changes, confrontation and nagging never work! I am very willing to help people if they ask for advice though, but I am not one say I know what’s best for someone else.
I am most inspired by people who take action to go after their dreams and actually make things happen. Nothing more inspiring than seeing people who go against the grain and do amazing things.
I think you’re doing a great job at inspiring by example, Michele! Keep it up!
I’m inspired by my 2-year-old who eats her steamed broccoli without complaining!! If she can do it, then I can too. And she’s smiling when she eats (that or she’s really really hungry).
Always trying to eat more fresh fruits and veggies and lead by example. Can’t expect my kids to eat what I don’t so I have to shape up!
I love that your daughter enjoys her steamed broccoli, Laura! Check out article #2 from my Sunday link-up … I think it would apply to you! https://www.thelyonsshare.org/2014/06/15/7-interesting-things-read-week-15/
I very much believe the ‘be the change you want to see in the world’ mantra. I do everything I can in my life to help others around me, with a smile, opening a door, a kind word or whatever. As a result I tend to learn about others through how they treat other people – especially those they have power over. Like people who are mean to waiters or retail clerks or bank tellers or whatever.
And like Jill mentioned, having kids also splits people. I know guys who describe spending time with their own kids as ‘babysitting’. Ugh. Me? I love getting right in there and having fun with kids, I loved helping Lisa teach when she worked at the Science & Discovery Center … and it is part of why I loved being a Cub Scout leader and always helped with CCD and kids sports – it isn’t about competition but about sharing that joy.
Such a great point about learning about others through how they treat waiters / servers / etc. Having been a waitress at Bennigan’s myself back in the day, I can tell you that some people are brutal!
You just inspired me to do my abs. Right now. 🙂
mine still hurt from the plank contest! but i will because Megan inspires me too!
Go Lindsay Go!
You have been crushing the ab challenge! Love it!!
I don’t think I would have “believed” this idea unless I started blogging. You are wise my friend! I definitely do NOT think you are preachy or imposing at all – love reading.
Thank you so much! Right back at you!
This. This is why your blog is an asset- you don’t preach one way or another. We are all unicorns! I try and inspire co workers with food options and decisions, but at the end of the day, it’s their choice!
Going to do some abs tomorrow morning at the gym! 🙂
Thank you so much, Arman! You remind me of my girls from Girls on the Run – they would always call each other unique unicorns. So cute 🙂
I love this idea. It’s so important to lead by example. As a teacher, I try to show my kids that we all have to work hard, ask questions, and be reflective and kind. Some days I just want to have a big attitude or to take the easy way out but I don’t because I know they are watching and that really matters to me. I respect my fiance, Dan, who is in the military and always sets a good example for his soldiers. Great post!
I bet you are phenomenal teacher, Ruthie! And thank you to Dan for being in the military!
My kids are the first thing that come to mind when I read this. Ii parent, in part, by example! It’s interesting when you find out how much people notice what you do.
Such a great point, Jill. Parents are the ultimate example!