by | Mar 5, 2014 | 12 comments

Enjoy this FREE pdf download for my listeners and followers!

7 Nutrition Myths

I’ve compiled a downloadable pdf, which explains the facts behind the 7 nutrition myths that I frequently hear or get asked by clients and friends.  For each myth, I’ve given you the facts, the “takeaway” to apply to your life, and a personal application for how I apply the lesson in my own life.  It’s a pretty handy little guide, and I hope you love it! 7 Myths image

To get the pdf, I’m asking that you sign up for my new mailing list.  Don’t worry, I won’t email you every day (you can still sign up on the sidebar at the right to get each blog post delivered to your email inbox!).  This list is for my FREE monthly newsletter … with health tips and tricks to help you stay motivated on your health journey!

**Click here** to get your free gift: “7 Nutrition Myths that Will Change How You Eat Every Day”!


Workout Wednesday

If you’re really only here for Workout Wednesday, I’ll throw back to an oldie-but-goodie that I chose as my workout yesterday.  I’m taking this week off of running since Saturday’s marathon, so I wanted a full-body workout that would be challenging enough to make me sweat, but not hard enough to overdo it as I recover.  Two rounds of my 500 Rep Circuit Workout did the trick!  If you try it, you’ll feel the burn in your glutes, for sure!

500 reps workout

So tell me in the comments … What’s one myth I didn’t mention that you often hear?  What’s on your workout plan for today?


  1. Lisa @ Running out of Wine

    This is great! One thing that drives me crazy is people who think they are being healthy by eating lots of things with artificial sweeteners (claiming to be sugar free!) or people who think eating gluten free will help them loose weight. I love how the PDF is straightforward and easy to follow, and really highlights the important information about nutrition!

    • Megan Lyons

      Thank you so much, Lisa! I really appreciate your comments – they made my day!

  2. Jill @ Fitness, Health and Happiness

    Great resource! There is so much information out there it’s hard to know what is reality and what is myth. In the end, my body will tell me.

    • Megan Lyons

      You’re right, Jill. I think that for people who are so in-tune with their bodies (like you!), the body will always say what is working and what is not. The problem lies with people who are just starting their health journeys and aren’t really in-tune with their bodies … they really need to check the labels even more carefully than others to make sure that what they’re getting is appropriate!

  3. Jan @ Sprouts n Squats

    Love the look of both the workout and the pdf idea 🙂

    Workout plan today is to do a leg workout.

    • Megan Lyons

      Thanks for the support, Jan! I hope the leg workout went well.

  4. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    There are so many nutrition myths, and even some of the myths that people claim, are actually truths! Nutrition is probably one of the most confusing topics on the face of this planet, aside from politics! lol

  5. lindsay

    ohhh a workout and nutrition tips. You know i love both! thx

  6. Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table

    This is such a great idea! There is SO much misinformation out there. Like my co-worker, who refuses to eat enough and wonders why she’s overweight…

  7. Michael Anderson

    Love the format of the PDF – I assume that is something you are working on for clients as well? If so I love it! Great tips, and also like how easy it is to pin things on the site now (actually it encouraged me), so now if I ever get the hang of Pinterest I will be all set! 🙂


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Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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