Fitness Tips
How Much Protein Do You Need? (and the benefits of protein!)

How Much Protein Do You Need? (and the benefits of protein!)

Of the three macronutrients (protein, fat, and carbohydrates), protein is the least likely to get vilified by popular diet culture.  We’ve certainly done low-fat (hello, Snackwells of the 90s and increased obesity and rates of chronic disease!), and we go in and out...

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10 Ways to Make Your Health Goals Fun

10 Ways to Make Your Health Goals Fun

This is a great time of year to work on your health.  In fact, no matter what time of year you’re reading this, now is a great time to work on your health!  If you just rolled your eyes or hovered your cursor over the “X” button in the top right … hold on.  When I...

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7 Ways to Revitalize Your Fitness Routine

7 Ways to Revitalize Your Fitness Routine

September is a great month to get recommitted to your health goals.  For some, it feels like the end of a “free for all” summer; for others, the kids are back in school, leaving slightly more time to focus on themselves; for others, looming yearly goals threaten to be...

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Why We Emotionally Eat (and a program to help!)

Why We Emotionally Eat (and a program to help!)

If you emotionally eat, you are not alone.  It can feel shameful, like you’re the only one who secretly turns to food to deal with stress, or loses control of her appetite when celebrating with friends.  But trust me, I’ve been there, too, and there are millions of...

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Best Podcasts for Motivation, Productivity, and Health

Best Podcasts for Motivation, Productivity, and Health

I love podcasts.  They offer such a quick and convenient way to satisfy my love of learning and my goal of continuous improvement.  I listen to podcasts during any time that would otherwise be “wasted” – while I’m getting ready in the morning, while I’m driving, while...

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Three Things to Do Before Setting Your 2020 Goals

Three Things to Do Before Setting Your 2020 Goals

Wow!  A new decade starts tomorrow.  And even though it may be just another day, there’s something magical about the turn of a year or a decade.  It feels so promising, so hopeful, so exciting!  At the turn of 2010, I was gearing up for an exciting year: I would leave...

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2019 Healthy Holiday Gifts Guide

2019 Healthy Holiday Gifts Guide

I love holidays – time off of work, family traditions, time spent with those I love, a general sense of joy and festivity in the air!  But I’m going to let you in on a secret … I hate shopping for holiday gifts.  Truly, I don’t mind spending time or money on those I...

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7 Things I Learned from Finishing a Half Ironman

7 Things I Learned from Finishing a Half Ironman

The Challenge I thrive on challenge.  Moving through life comfortably without really having to push yourself might be appealing to some, but feeling like I am constantly growing and expanding my own possibilities is what keeps me energized.  Plus, I believe that...

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Join The 8% Team for Accountability to Reach Your Health Goals!

Join The 8% Team for Accountability to Reach Your Health Goals!

Did you know that 92% of people fail to reach – and stick with – their health goals?  It’s time to change that, and I have the tactics, strategies, and support system designed to help you be part of the 8%. Welcome to The 8% Team: a group of goal achievers, supportive...

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Megan Lyons Headshot

Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
Boost Energy Download

Need a quick energy boost? Download this guide!