Happy Workout Wednesday!Β Today I have 2 exciting updates to share, 3 great workout-related links, and 2 giveaway winners!
Exciting Updates
- ZOOMA Texas. Have you heard of ZOOMA’s race series?Β ZOOMA is an organization that puts on well-organized and fun races across the country, and focuses on celebrating women (although the races are open to men, too!).Β ZOOMA’s mission is “to inspire women to live healthy, happy, and active lives.”Β After hearing that, I knew this was an organization I would LOVE to be involved in, so I applied to be an Ambassador for the ZOOMA Texas Half Marathon on April 12, 2014 in Austin.Β I was thrilled to be selected, and I’m already having fun getting to know this amazing group of women (check out our bios!).Β I can’t wait for April!Β
Even more good news … YOU can come join me in Austin!Β I have a discount code for you to register for 10% off the race, and I would love to hang out with any of you that want to make it a fun running weekend.Β **My personal code is TXAMB8, so be sure to enter it when you register!**
- IDEA Inspired Blogger.Β I also applied to be an IDEA Inspired Blogger.Β Again, the mission is what won me over: IDEA is about creating a professional community to “help people around the world live healthier, happier lives.”Β To be honest, I’m not exactly sure what my involvement with IDEA will be yet, but I know I’m excited to connect with another group of inspiring people who share my passion! Β
**You may have noticed my updated sidebar – thanks to all of you for your suggestions, some of which were to make subscribing easier, adding a picture, and adding my Twitter feed … DONE!**
Workout Links I Loved This Week
- Plank form. Have you been working on doing planks, but want to double check your form?Β I LOVE planks, as you’ve probably seen in my Flat Abs in 5 Minutes workout, our 30-Day Ab Challenge, and my 500 Rep Circuit Workout!Β I do planks a lot, so it’s always a good idea to make sure my form is up to speed.Β Here’s a Greatist article that reviews proper form!
(picture source)
- More support for bodyweight exercises.Β Although I realize that machines at the gym are ideal for some people’s individual goals, there has been more and more research (like this Huffington Post/ Reuters article) supporting the idea that if you just want to maintain your health, figure, and overall fitness, quick (20-minute) bodyweight exercises are just as good … “so long as you push hard and keep challenging yourself.”Β Good support for the quick hotel-room (or home) workout circuits that I love!
- Teenagers are getting more vegetables and exercise. Β Yes, we have a long way to go, and I won’t be satisfied until our world is a LOT healthier than we are today.Β But, this is huge progress!Β The study was done on tens of thousands of students, and showed small increases in physical activity, fruit and vegetable consumption, and breakfast eating.Β It also showed small decreases in TV time, soft drink consumption, and candy consumption, and a leveling off of the childhood obesity trend.Β YAY for progress!!
Nelly’s Energy Truffles Giveaway Winners!
Congratulations to Sara and Janette! … I hope you love the Energy Truffles as much as I did!Β Please send your mailing address to megan@thelyonsshare.org and I’ll send it over to Nelly’s!Β (Giveaway winners chosen by Rafflecopter and Random.org … I have nothing to do with selecting them, so it’s great when it churns out my blog friends like it did for the compression socks and the Nelly’s Energy Truffles!)
So tell me in the comments … what is your workout for today?Β Do you think we’re making progress towards healthier children?
congrats on the good news!!! Thanks so much for sharing the body weight article! It’s my favorite way to get in strength work, so I’m glad to know it’s all good!!
Amanda, it’s my favorite way, too! If I do the right exercises, I often find it’s HARDER than lifting weights (maybe that’s a clue I’m not lifting heavy enough, but I still think bodyweight work is more fun!)
Congrats again on ZOOMA – you’re going to have a blast! Wish I could meet y’all down in Austin π
Thank you, Allison! We’ll miss you and I so wish I could meet you, too!!
Hmmm, maybe I WILL come and run the half with you in Austin! Maybe by that time I will be all healed up. Either way, congratulations on the ambassadorships!
I definitely agree that bodyweight workouts are so good! Weights are awesome, machines are great, but using what your mama gave you can often be just as effective. I’m going to check out that 30 day ab challenge. You’re basically becoming my personal trainer, for free, and I love it. π
What?!? You’re getting me WAY too excited … you have to come down! That would be so fun!!!! I hope you do the 30 day ab challenge. I have been thinking about starting it over – I was really amazed by how much stronger I got in just 30 days, even by just increasing by 5 seconds per day. It was fun! I will be your free personal trainer any day! π
yay for the sidebar pic! π and I want to do a Zooma race so bad, loved their site & what they stand for.
Yes, thank YOU for the idea, Cori! Hope you get to do a ZOOMA race!
So I just saw on Amy’s blog comments that you work until 10.30…..props to you, my friend. You are a machine balancing it all!
I think there is progress with healthier children, some initiatives are really great- Some, however, are terrible. They have a range of cola flavoured raisins here to make it more appealing for kids. COLA FLAVOURED RAISINS.
Yes, my work hours are a little overwhelming, but it’s not quite as bad as it seems – I’m definitely always working until 11 or midnight, but more times than not I can leave by 7:30 or 8, go to the hotel and eat dinner (or go home and eat dinner since I’m on a streak of Dallas weeks lately!!!), and work remotely for the rest of the time. Gotta do what you gotta do! But like I said to Amy, I don’t think it’s healthy for ME to keep these hours, so I’m working on improving them!
WOW on cola flavored raisins. That is just so sad. Also sounds kinda disgusting!!!
Congrats on Zooma lovely! So cool. You know I wish I could be racing! Also the sidebar looks great. You so pretty π
Thanks girl! You will be racing again eventually, I’m quite confident. But I’m glad to see you truly enjoying your recovery (and inspiring me to take walks – totally not my M.O.!)
Cool info on the Zooma series – I love all of these new races, and how they are getting record numbers of people moving! I used to wonder a bit about all of the ‘female centric’ series in light of the >50% female participation … but then as I integrated into the online running community I learned a lot about the challenges women face for simply RWF – ‘running while female’. It is very different than my running life as a middle-aged, white, non-threatening conservative looking guy! π
The trends on kids and eating / obesity are definitely encouraging … though there is far to go! We have worked with our kids since they were little on *balance*.
Funny story (ok, sad story): when we were still in Massachusetts and the kids were in elementary school, my younger son had a friend who was overweight, and because the parents were having difficulties we’d have him over to play about once a week across a couple of months. We would provide water, milk, or local apple juice boxes as well as a number of healthy snacks or air-popped popcorn. After a couple of weeks of whining a bit but making do … he arrived with a lunch bag – his mother had packed him orange soda, cheeze curls, and chocolate bars to have as a snack. At 7. It was like a PSA for ‘why America is fat’. Sad.
Hey Michael, it’s a really good point about women’s races – it’s not like we are under-represented in “normal” races! However, I have to say, that all of the women’s races I’ve participated in have been the most SUPPORTIVE and fun race experiences of my life. From the Disney Princess Half Marathon to local women-centric 5Ks, the attitude is so much more “cheer for your fellow runners” rather than “elbow your fellow runners to get ahead” (hey, I’ve done that too, I admit!). It’s just FUN, and like you mention, they’re doing an awesome job at inspiring all kinds of people to get active, which I can 100% get behind. And, men are welcome at ZOOMA also, so it’s not JUST a women’s race. So, come on down to Austin!!!
Really sad story about your son’s friend. I have no idea how I would have reacted as a parent (either to my own kid or to the kid who was visiting). Tough stuff!!!
I know Zooma isn’t women-only, but the site was female-centric enough that I felt ‘not for me’ π
As for our son’s friend … it is one of those ‘life lesson’s’ where you learn that you can only be the parent to your own child. I have had some argue that the sort of diet he was on was tantamount to child abuse, but I am not prepared to engage at that level – we try to set an example, provide healthy options, but ultimately can only do so much.
Oh my goodness!! I’m so excited!! Thank you!!
My workout today will PROBABLY be another round of walking on the treadmill. My leg has been sore lately so still taking it easy. Hopefully I will get back a gym membership here soon and can start working out again! I would love to get some swimming and spinning in!
Yay! You’re welcome! I’m excited for you. I am glad you got some walking yesterday and biking today in, and I’m glad you’re taking it so easy. SLOW recovery will be key. Good for you!
Congrats on the ZOOMA ambassador!! I think they do such amazing work. I would love to come to Texas… do you have discount code for flights?! hehe
Thanks, girl! I agree, ZOOMA is a great organization. And if I had a discount code for flights, we’d do a HUGE blogger meet up and I’d get to meet tons of fun people like you! Bummer π
Thank you so much for the coupon code for the Zooma Texas. I have been waiting for one so that I could register! Awesome and see you at the run!
Oh I’m so excited you were looking for it, Kristina! Would love to meet you at the race!
My workout of the day is TurboKick! Still trying to memorize a new routine to teach my class next week.
I dont have any children of my own but many of my friends do and they are leading, by example , a healthy fit lifestyle. Cheers to the moms!
Turbokick sounds really fun, Jordan! I hope your class next week goes great!