General Fitness Tips
How to Choose Yearly Goals (even in the face of uncertainty)

How to Choose Yearly Goals (even in the face of uncertainty)

Sitting down with a blank sheet of paper towards the end of the year can feel exciting, exhilarating, scary, and daunting.  If you don’t know where to start or how to select goals that are truly meaningful to you, I have a few tips for you today. If you read this...

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How to Boost Metabolism Naturally

How to Boost Metabolism Naturally

“Top tips to boost your metabolism naturally” is not typical Lyons’ Share mentality.  I’m all about feeling great, inside and out, protecting long-term health, and choosing to be empowered about your health.  But seemingly every day, I get asked “how do I boost my...

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How to Drink More Water

How to Drink More Water

So many of us know that we “should” be drinking more water, but it’s still one of the most common things that clients ask me for help with.  Just like with most health tips, the exact routine of what will actually get you to drink more water varies by the person.  To...

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Health Benefits of Electrolytes (and if you need to take them)

Health Benefits of Electrolytes (and if you need to take them)

I sweat a lot.  (What a way to open a blog post!)  I’ve always been a heavy sweater, and whether it’s in a hot yoga class or a Texas summer run, I’ll often lose a few pounds of water in an extra sweaty workout (you can measure this, if you want, by weighing yourself...

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How to Improve Brain Health with Nutrition and Lifestyle

How to Improve Brain Health with Nutrition and Lifestyle

I’m frequently asked how to improve brain health with nutrition, and the short answer is that everything I teach about overall health, from stress management to increasing vegetables, will all support a healthy brain.  Our bodies operate as interconnected systems, so...

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How Much Protein Do You Need? (and the benefits of protein!)

How Much Protein Do You Need? (and the benefits of protein!)

Of the three macronutrients (protein, fat, and carbohydrates), protein is the least likely to get vilified by popular diet culture.  We’ve certainly done low-fat (hello, Snackwells of the 90s and increased obesity and rates of chronic disease!), and we go in and out...

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10 Ways to Make Your Health Goals Fun

10 Ways to Make Your Health Goals Fun

This is a great time of year to work on your health.  In fact, no matter what time of year you’re reading this, now is a great time to work on your health!  If you just rolled your eyes or hovered your cursor over the “X” button in the top right … hold on.  When I...

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7 Ways to Revitalize Your Fitness Routine

7 Ways to Revitalize Your Fitness Routine

September is a great month to get recommitted to your health goals.  For some, it feels like the end of a “free for all” summer; for others, the kids are back in school, leaving slightly more time to focus on themselves; for others, looming yearly goals threaten to be...

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Megan Lyons Headshot

Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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