by | Aug 12, 2013 | 7 comments

Happy Motivation Monday!  Did you get to check out the 7 things I always have in my refrigerator or freezer from yesterday’s post?  I’m really excited to kick off the 30-Day Ab Challenge … when I posted on Facebook, there were at least a couple who said they would join in, and I hope you will, too!  Details are below, along with your very own Lyons’ Share printable tracker.

After I finished the 30-day Squat Challenge (a day late, I’ll admit!), I was thinking about what I like so much about challenges like these.  I think it boils down to always giving myself a new goal to strive for, and continuing to seek self-improvement.  I know that continuing to push myself is the only way I’m going to get better, and I also know that my better has nothing to do with your better – it’s all about pushing myself.  So, enjoy these two quotes, then read up on how to join in on the fun! If it doesn't challenge you it doesn't change you - blog 8.12.13 (from Pinterest) fitness is being better than you used to be - blog 8.12.13 (from Pinterest)

30-Day Ab Challenge Details

  • I got the idea for this challenge from this article.  I love their idea and their moves, but their calendar just wasn’t doing it for me, so I made a new Lyons’ Share version for us to follow.  You can find the printable pdf here.   30 day ab challenge
  • Every day, for 30 days, we’ll do 20 reps of each of the 5 moves laid out in the Active article (crunches, bicycle crunches, scissor kicks, leg raises, and hip lifts – you can see the article for explanation of each one).  Once you finish 100 reps total, put a checkmark (or a :)) in the box next to “100 reps”!
  • After you finish 100 reps, you’ll do a plank Monday – Saturday.  I’m planning to start at 2:30 and add 5 seconds every day (so that I hit 5 minutes straight, which has been a long time goal!).  However, YOU should do what works for YOU.  Some might want to start at 10 seconds and add 5 seconds every other day, some might already have mastered 5 minutes.
  • On Sundays, instead of holding a straight plank, do my Flat Abs in 5 Minutes Workout!  Feel free to rest for 10 seconds between each move if you need it.
  • This is where the “you know your body best” principle comes in.  Working your abs every day will be HARD!  You’ve likely heard that you shouldn’t work the same body part while weight lifting multiple days in a row, and while I think it’s fine to work abs multiple days in a row with body weight only, you know best.  If you’re feeling too sore one day and you’re risking injury … it’s OK to take a day off!  (Then, just extend your challenge to 31 days, like I did with the Squat Challenge).  A challenge is only healthy within reason … yes, we should be pushing ourselves, but don’t go crazy with it.  (And, of course, I am not a doctor or personal trainer, so please consult a doctor if you think you need to do so).

So tell me in the comments … will you be joining in the 30-Day Ab Challenge?


  1. Ronda J. Click

    Excited to start this ab challenge! Clear instructions make it easy to follow. Let’s get stronger together!

  2. Holly

    Oh no! I very recently started the squat challenge (yes very late) and am already sore. Maybe if I do both it will even me out a bit. Ha! Loving the motivation to not compete with others and to focus on yourself and your own personal goals!

    • Megan Lyons

      Those squats are tough, huh? I definitely felt some solid improvement throughout the 30-days, although it still burned. Your call on doing one challenge or two, but if you think you’ll be more dedicated with just one, then you can always start the ab challenge later! I’ll repeat it again with you after my first 30 days if you want!

  3. Terri Koury

    SURE, why not?? 🙂

    • Megan Lyons

      I’m glad you’re in! Good luck with the challenge!

  4. Angela

    Yes! Excited for it! Thanks for creating the printable PDF! 🙂

    • Megan Lyons

      Yay! Good luck and have a great week!



  1. "You Get What You Work For" 10-Minute Ab Burner | The Lyons' Share Wellness - […] few weeks ago, I challenged myself to do a 5-minute plank.  I built up to 5 minutes straight when…
  2. Updates, Links, and Winners: Workout Wednesday | The Lyons' Share Wellness - […] your form?  I LOVE planks, as you’ve probably seen in my Flat Abs in 5 Minutes workout, our 30-Day…
  3. 9/11 Memorial Workout | The Lyons' Share Wellness - […] that I completed my long-standing goal of a 5-minute plank last night!  That means that the 30-Day Ab Challenge…
  4. 7 exercise articles to inspire you and answer your questions | The Lyons' Share Wellness - [...] is your 30-Day Ab Challenge going?  I’m already feeling the burn!  If you haven’t joined in, it’s not too…

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Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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