by | Aug 21, 2013 | 6 comments

(Note that this graphic is fixed from the initial version, which mistakenly listed section B as lasting for 10 minutes instead of 15!  Thanks to Molly for finding this!)

Before you think I’ve lost my mind, don’t worry … I still don’t like the “dreadmill.”  In fact, my inability to think about anything besides each second passing by slowly while I’m plodding away is exactly the reason I came up with this awesome workout … it makes the time pass so much more quickly because you’re changing things up every few seconds.  That change in pace also comes with cardiovascular (and major calorie-burning) benefits, so it’s a win-win!  I created this treadmill routine last Wednesday night … I got “home” (hotel) around 8:30, I was already hungry for dinner, it was fairly dark outside (and for some strange reason, I’m comfortable running in new cities if it’s “morning dark” but not if it’s “night dark”), and I really needed to get back to work.  BUT, I had (only somewhat intentionally) slept through my workout that morning, and I still wanted a quick, efficient workout.  Enter … The Lyons’ Share ABCBC Treadmill Workout! abcbc treadmill workout thelyonsshare fixed

(Do you like my school theme for those of you that started school this week and might need to resort to the treadmill due to tighter schedules?!?)

You can customize this workout to meet YOUR unique needs – you just need to choose the right speeds for you.

  • If you’re a walker, try choosing a “slow” speed around 3.5mph and a “fast” speed around 4.5mph.
  • If you’re just getting started with running, this could be a great run/ walk interval workout if your “slow” speed was 4.5mph and your “fast” speed was 5.5-6.0mph.
  • If you’re a fast runner, try 10mph (or more!) for your fast speed, and adjust your “slow” speed to be about 2-3mph slower than your “fast” speed.

I’m right in the middle of all of those options, so  I chose 6.5mph for my “slow” speed and 8.5mph for my “fast” speed (I used 7.0mph for the 2 minute “medium” and 6.8mph for the 1 minute “medium-slow” speed).  This breakdown helped me crank out exactly 5.25 miles in 45 minutes … and I actually had fun on the treadmill!

If you need just one more reason to try this workout, remember that interval training is great for your heart, leads to calorie “after-burn” up to 48 hours later, boosts metabolism, increases your running speed, and helps build lean muscleGreatist even says that 27 minutes of high-intensity interval training 3 times per week yields the same anaerobic/ aerobic benefits as 60 minutes of steady-state cardio 5 times per week!  (I’m still not planning to give up the steady-state, laid-back runs that I love so much!  But this is good motivation to include some more intervals in my workout routine).

Enjoy the ABCBC workout (and “pin it” using the button below so you can save it for future use!)

So tell me in the comments … do you prefer working out inside or outside?  What’s your favorite form of interval training?


  1. Caitlin

    this graphic is so cute! i also hate the treadmill but i agree that sometimes if you wanna get that workout in you gotta use it. i tend to end up on a treadmill when i’m on vacation and at a hotel gym, because i don’t get a very good burn on the elliptical or the bike (unless it’s a spin class bike). so a workout like this is nice because it takes my mind off the fact that i’m actually ON the treadmill. sometimes i like to play games with my music like speed it up at the chorus. or, i’ll watch TV while running and when the scene changes, increase the speed.

    • Megan Lyons

      Thanks Caitlin! Yes, totally agree about the bikes – the recumbent bikes just don’t make me feel like I’m working out as much, and it’s hard to find spin-like bikes in most gyms! I use the elliptical when I’m having a “rest” day/ easier day, or just want to work out for the purpose of getting my mind off of something … it’s easy/ fun to space out and read a magazine. But I definitely don’t feel like I’m getting the real WORKOUT that I do from the treadmill (or running, or spin class, or weights/ Body pump …. etc.)

  2. Davida @ The Healthy Maven

    I love this workout! I have a hard time with cardio because I get bored but I definitely won’t be getting bored with his! I much prefer working out outside but not in the winter! Probably shouldn’t be living in Canada then right?

    • Megan Lyons

      Thanks, Davida! You definitely won’t get bored with this … it is made for people (like me!) who just can’t stand to plod away at one speed on the treadmill! I hear you on the winter exercise, though – after living in Boston and Chicago and managing to run through the winters there, I can’t even imagine it being COLDER like I imagine it is in Canada :). Your blog looks great – thanks for stopping by so that I’d find yours!

  3. Clara @ Southern Thintellect

    Hi there! I was recently nominated for the Liebster Award, a fun little blogging community award. I have nominated you to keep the trend going! You can read all about it over at my blog. (P.S. this is just a fun little blogging community award, but I promise it’s not spam!)

    • Megan Lyons

      Aww, thank you so much, Clara! This is so exciting :). I can’t wait to answer the questions myself!



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Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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