General Fitness Tips
2019 Healthy Holiday Gifts Guide

2019 Healthy Holiday Gifts Guide

I love holidays – time off of work, family traditions, time spent with those I love, a general sense of joy and festivity in the air!  But I’m going to let you in on a secret … I hate shopping for holiday gifts.  Truly, I don’t mind spending time or money on those I...

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Join The 8% Team for Accountability to Reach Your Health Goals!

Join The 8% Team for Accountability to Reach Your Health Goals!

Did you know that 92% of people fail to reach – and stick with – their health goals?  It’s time to change that, and I have the tactics, strategies, and support system designed to help you be part of the 8%. Welcome to The 8% Team: a group of goal achievers, supportive...

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7 Reasons Why You Should Mix Up Your Workouts

7 Reasons Why You Should Mix Up Your Workouts

Today I've got a special guest post from my friend Natalie Wolfe. Learn more about Natalie, and her amazing app StudioHop, below the post! Yoga. Pilates. Barre. CrossFit. Running. Stretching. Walking. Spin. HIIT. There are so many fitness options these days, but how...

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Flashback Post: Tips for Working Out While Traveling

Flashback Post: Tips for Working Out While Traveling

This is a flashback to a post I wrote in 2013 (before I left my consulting job, and was still traveling weekly for work!) Hope you enjoy this revamp - just in time for spring break! Many of you have asked how to squeeze in workouts while traveling, and this is...

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Top 10 Last-Minute Healthy Holiday Gifts

Top 10 Last-Minute Healthy Holiday Gifts

Confession: I am the worst at buying gifts.  I love making other people happy, and I consider myself very generous, but it stresses me out tremendously to think about finding “the perfect gift,” getting things ready and wrapped on time, and ensuring that the recipient...

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How to Build a Workout Plan

How to Build a Workout Plan

Nearly every day, I get asked, “What is the best workout?” or “what workout do I have to do to lose weight?”  I won’t stay on my soapbox for the whole post, but let me have just three sentences.  If you force yourself to do a workout just because someone says it is...

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7 Tips to Fit in Exercise … Even on the Busiest Days

7 Tips to Fit in Exercise … Even on the Busiest Days

I love the rush of endorphins, energy boost, feeling of accomplishment, and mental clarity that a good morning sweat session provides, so I make time for exercise almost every single day.  And I firmly believe that you have time for what you prioritize, too.  We all...

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Megan Lyons Headshot

Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
Boost Energy Download

Need a quick energy boost? Download this guide!