by | May 11, 2015 | 1 comment

Happy Motivation Monday!

motivation monday the lyons share

When you have a big goal, it can be overwhelming.  So overwhelming, sometimes, that you find yourself paralyzed with fear and not actually taking action toward that goal.  Or that you find yourself driving forward, making progress, but failing to celebrate that progress because you haven’t reached your ultimate goal.

consistent small steps quote

(picture source)

Breaking down big goals into bite-sized pieces is something I do with clients all the time.  It’s often way too hard to achieve the goal of losing 100 pounds, “figuring out” digestive problems, or just plain old “getting healthy” by yourself, so I break these goals down into small steps and give my clients just a few things to work on each week.  Do they feel amazing after week 1, and have they dropped 20 pounds overnight?  NO.  But nor do they feel so overwhelmed that they slide backwards or fail to take any action at all.  And the small steps add up.  Each time we take small steps forward, we get that much closer to the ultimate goal.  We celebrate each small, consistent step on the journey.

collection of small steps

(picture source)

So today, I encourage you to think about just one small step that you can accomplish right now to move closer to your ultimate goal.  Even if it feels like a small piece of the big picture, celebrate that you’re accomplishing something and moving towards where you want to be.


The “BODY” portion of the PURIFI Summit starts today!  This is a Summit focused on health and wellness that is free to stream – you get to hear the talks for 24 hours after they initially play if you register (free) here.  My talk plays tomorrow (Tuesday) and is on “Feeding Your Family Healthily.”  I hope you enjoy the Summit!

Yoga Winners

Winners of my giveaway to The Yoga Collective for 1 year of FREE yoga are Deb and Karen!  Congratulations!  I will email you with details today.

Now it’s your turn … What one small step will you take today?


1 Comment


  1. Good good links #90 | Let's get living - […] how well-intentioned your health and fitness habits are enjoying life should be top priority. Consistent small steps via The…

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Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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