Happy Motivation Monday!
A month and a half into the New Year, it’s possible that your newfound healthy habits have gotten old or your motivation is lagging just a bit. That’s normal – even when we find ourselves very committed to something for a few days, the routine can get old and stagnant as time goes on.
So how do we combat this? Simple – try something new! If you’ve been walking every day, try a Zumba class (I talk about the benefits of mixing up your workouts in this post!). If you’ve been having a salad for dinner every day, try a stir-fry. If a green smoothie has become your breakfast of choice, why not try some egg muffins?
Creating changes in your routine is not only beneficial for your body, but keeps this fun and exciting. So today, break out of your rut, and try one new thing! Notice how it feels more exciting! After all, variety is the spice of life.
*Note: one great way to mix up your healthy habits is to join my free 30-Day Healthy Habits Challenge, which started today! Anyone can join, and it’s easy to participate – I’ll send you an email every Sunday with a printable calendar and your habits for the week, and you do your best to incorporate them each day! Email me at megan@thelyonsshare.org if you’d like to participate!*
So tell me in the comments … What rut do you want to break out of? What healthy habit change can you make today?