by | Jun 4, 2014 | 36 comments

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I run to carve out a piece of each day

Happy National Running Day! If you’ve never heard of this holiday, Running Times describes the day like this:

“National Running Day allows longtime and beginner runners alike to celebrate the sport and build connection and community between fellow runners of all ages and abilities, as well as attracts new participants. Whether runners join a group run for the hundredth or first time, spread the running bug to a friend, sign up for a race, or set a new goal, the day is meant to celebrate the reasons and people that make a running a special part of their lives.”

You all likely know how important running is to me.  In fact, it has completely changed my life, and was one of the most important factors contributing to me starting my healthy living journey.  I’ll never forget the feeling I had when I finished my very first 5K without walking … it was like I could conquer the world.  I wanted Kevin to be proud of me (despite the fact that he likely finished a good 20 minutes before me!), I wanted his parents to know that I could finally be a “real runner,” and I wanted to shout to anyone listening that I had finished a 5K … but most importantly, I was proud of myself, something that most of us forget to feel on a day-to-day basis.

definition of a runner The Lyons Share

Since I first started running, I have run 5 marathons, 29 half marathons, countless other races, started a race to raise money for children with cancer (which just held its 3rd annual race!), become a Certified Running Coach myself, run over 10,000 miles in training (I have logs with varying detail back through 2008), and grown so much as a person through running.

If you want to start running, too, I’m happy to help you out with my running coaching – just let me know that you’re interested with this form.  My coaching focuses mostly on those who want to start running, those who want to run their first half marathon, and those who want to improve their half marathon times. 

Whether you’re already a great runner or you’ve never run a step in your life, if you’re able, go out and celebrate today by going for a run.  If that means running 30 seconds, that’s a great step – just do it, and feel proud of yourself!  Because I think everyone who runs is a runner, as long as you’re moving your feet, taking a moment to appreciate the run, and feeling proud of your accomplishments!

(Cori has a link up if you want to read other National Running Day stories as well!)

A Personal Celebration

Tomorrow marks my four year wedding anniversary, and I can’t let it slip by without a quick comment.  I don’t go into all that many personal details on the blog, but I’ll get a little sappy on you today, for a good reason.

This quote couldn’t describe how I feel more perfectly: marry your best friend


Kevin is my rock, my sanity, my best friend, and the only person who can make me instantly feel like everything is going to be OK just by walking in the room.  He understands me better than anyone else in the world, puts up with a ton (I’m not an easy person to be married to!), and supports my dreams in so many ways.  I feel so lucky to have him as my husband, and it’s been a great four years (although we’ve been together for almost 11!).  Here’s to many, many more!

make them smile(picture source)

So tell me in the comments: Are you going to celebrate National Running Day?  What does running, or exercise in general, mean to you?  What are you celebrating today?


  1. Kerry @ The Adventures of Z & K

    Moving has been consuming my life lately but I am taking some time this morning to enjoy my cup of coffee and catch up on all the wonderful blogs in my life. Sooooo despite it being a few days late I wanted to wish you and Kevin a happy happy anniversary!

    “Find the strongest happiest friendship in the person you fall in love with.” Love that.

    • Megan Lyons

      Thank you so much, Kerry! I appreciate it! Hope the moving is calming down at least a bit – glad you got some time to enjoy your coffee and blogs!

  2. Bre & Ree

    Happy Anniversary Megan! I hope you both had a wonderful day! And you’re so right about running, somehow no matter how wonderful or terrible the run, I always feel incredibly proud after. Thanks for sharing!

    • Megan Lyons

      Thank you so much, Bre! Glad you share my feelings of self-pride after running 🙂

  3. Amy @ Long Drive Journey

    Happy anniversary!! You are such a phenomenal person and you deserve all the happiness there is! Plus WOW 29 marathons??

    • Megan Lyons

      29 halves!! So different! I may be flat on the street somewhere if I had tried to run 29 full marathons … SO different for me! Thanks for the wishes 🙂

  4. Milan (

    Megan, you and your hubby are such a beautiful couple. I love what you said here, “Kevin is my rock, my sanity, my best friend, and the only person who can make me instantly feel like everything is going to be OK just by walking in the room.” Now imagine 10 years from now having the same feeling! I do, after 22 yrs. Here is a post that may make you smile (

    • Megan Lyons

      Thank you so much for those comments, Milan! Congratulations to you and your husband on 22 years of marriage – WOW! I aspire to be just as happy as you are!

  5. Arman @ thebigmansworld

    Happy anniversary my amazing friend- here is to many more.

    In honour of it all, I actually did run to the train station today.

    It may have been because it was pouring rain but lets pretend it was for you guys 😉

    • Megan Lyons

      Thank you, Arman! And happiest of birthdays to you – can’t wait to read about it!

  6. Lindsay

    What a great way to cleanest your anniversary! With your love for running and your husband! Happy run and anniversary day friend! ❤️ Your story

    • Megan Lyons

      Thank you so much, Lindsay! It was an amazing day!

  7. Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie

    I went for a five mile run to celebrate National Running Day this morning! Happy early Anniversary!!

  8. Lisa @ Running Out Of Wine

    Happy Anniversary! That is an amazing picture of you guys and I love the quote!
    As you already know, i started the day with a run and I love your reason for running…I also find that running is that time of the day that is just for me.
    29 half-marathons!? That’s pretty incredible! I hope you got a good run in today to celebrate!

    • Megan Lyons

      Thank you, Lisa! Yes, my run on NRD was great, and hope yours was, too!

  9. Alisha @ Alisha's Appetite

    That marriage quote gave me goosebumps! It really does sum up marriage perfectly. Happy Anniversary! So sweet.

  10. Audrey @ In Shape Cupcake

    Yepp, so celebrating National Running Day! Got a 5 miler planned later this evening! After the sun goes down. It’s so freaking hot and humid here where I am

    • Megan Lyons

      Thank you, Cori! Your relationship is one of those that I aspire to … you guys always look like you have a blast together 🙂

  11. Karen

    You two are PERFECT for each other. Happy 4th Anniversary !!!!
    Let’s celebrate your 5th back in Puerto Vallerta – we’ll even have fireworks on the beach again ???

    • Megan Lyons

      Thank you for all your support, Mom! I would LOVE to celebrate back in PV … although we’ve always said we would do our 5th at Ladera … I’m pretty sure it’s a win-win either way!

    • Megan Lyons

      Aww, thanks! I’m lucky to have him!

  12. Pip {Cherries & Chisme}

    Congratulations! Have a lovely day together 🙂

    How amazing to be able to look back at your running journey like that – inspirational!

    • Megan Lyons

      Thank you, Pip! Both my relationship and my running journey have been amazing 🙂

  13. Amy @ The Little Honey Bee

    As my family likes to say, MAZEL TOV! Aka congratulations to both you and Kevin on four years (plus more) of happiness and love.

    • Megan Lyons

      How was the Rock n Roll fun run, Deborah? Sounds amazing!

  14. Michael Anderson

    Happy Anniversary! You know I am a hopeless romantic and how much I value love and marriage and friendship … so you know how ‘warm and fuzzy’ your picture with the sentiment makes me. And the picture of you two is just stunning.

    You are such a wonderful person and you really deserve all of the joy and happiness. And I laugh when you talk about Kevin putting up – because isn’t that just part of things: in a good relationship, we are who we are, and our partner loves us for who we are.

    So yeah, running day, whatever …

    Happy Anniversary! Do you guys have any great plans?

    • Megan Lyons

      Thank you, Michael! I have that picture in my home office … I was determined to fill it with JUST things that make me very happy, so I have a gorgeous photo collage of Colorado, my running medals, that picture of Kevin and I, a Farmer’s Market calendar, my favorite quote (“Live the life you have imagined”) and a few other fun things!

      I really appreciate your comments and support, as always. And yes – I guess “putting up” with the other person IS just part of any relationship :).

      We celebrated in the perfect (for us) way … both stopped working early on Friday to spend time hanging out on our roof deck, went to one of our favorite nicer bars for a drink, then came home, changed back into sweatpants, ordered some takeout sushi, watched Newsies (he’d kill me if he saw this – ha!), and just spent time together. It was amazing!


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Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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