by | May 26, 2014 | 10 comments

Happy Memorial Day!  I hope you’re able to rest and relax, spend some time with family, and feel grateful for what you have.  If you’re in the United States, don’t forget the purpose of this holiday, and take time to reflect on those who lost their lives fighting for our country.

American flag 7 tips for a healthy memorial day weekend

If you’re looking for tips on how to make Memorial Day Weekend healthy, check out my top tips from last year

motivation monday

For Motivation Monday today, I want to leave you with this simple thought.  It’s a quote I found from Ralph Waldo Emerson, and I love the sentiment.  If you wake up every day determined to make it the best possible day, chances are good that great things will come your way.

every day is the best day in the year So write it on your heart today, and go enjoy the day!

So tell me in the comments … How are you making today the best day of the year?


  1. Cassie

    This is such a good thought… I’m currently wishing away time to get to a date on the calendar and I am making the most of the time in between but I should be doing more to ENJOY IT rather than wishing it away 🙂

    • Megan Lyons

      I sometimes struggle with wishing away time, too, Cassie. Hang in there and focus on enjoying each day!

  2. Susie @ SuzLyfe

    I’m honestly hoping that today is only one of the best days of this week (and so far, this week isn’t disappointing!) but above and beyond everything, this is my first wedding anniversary with my husband. We are just trying to spend as much time as possible with each other, and even sharing time with a new friend! Each day this week has the opportunity to be the best–I can’t wait to find how what will make each special.

    • Megan Lyons

      Happy late anniversary, Susie!!! One year wedding anniversaries are so fun! Hope you enjoyed it with your husband!

  3. Lisa @ Running Out Of Wine

    That is a great quote and so important to remember. Today I am going to remember to be happy and grateful, take time to relax and not let little problems get me upset.

    • Megan Lyons

      I love it, Lisa! Even though you wrote this 6 days ago, I’m taking your reminders for myself today 🙂

  4. Amy @ The Little Honey Bee

    I love that quote. I was introduced to the many awesome words of Ralph Waldo Emerson by one of my bball coaches. Today I am not going to let the little things bother me and just roll with the whatever way the day flows!

    • Megan Lyons

      Love not letting the little things bother you – way to go!

  5. Michael Anderson

    Three simple things:
    – Take care of myself – go for a great run (in about 5 minutes, actually)
    – Take care of my life – work around the house, we got loads of plants and mulch and so on this weekend, now time to finish what we started! 🙂
    – Take care of my family – spend time with the boys and Lisa.

    Hope you have a great day! 🙂

    • Megan Lyons

      Glad you got to take care of yourself, your life, and your family – last weekend and this one!


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