by | Apr 28, 2014 | 22 comments

When most people come to me for nutrition help, they expect that “the answer” is some elaborate and complicated diet, and they brace themselves for a restrictive lifestyle, feeling hungry all the time, or eating flavorless food that they don’t like.  They’re often really surprised to hear that my philosophy is quite the opposite!!  For Motivation Monday today, I want to try to convince you that healthy living doesn’t have to be all that complicated. Instead, it’s all about finding what works for you, making a few healthy changes, and staying motivated to nourish your body the best way possible.

motivation monday

I believe that healthy living doesn’t have to be all that complicated.  Sure, it does require advanced thought, planning, education, and focus.  Plus, change is always hard … it’s much easier to continue doing what you’ve always done.  Of course, then you’ll get the results you’ve always gotten.if you change nothing nothing will change - blog 11.18.13, blog 4.28.14(picture source)

So if it’s not so complicated, what is the answer?  I believe that water, vegetables, exercise, and balance will benefit everyone.  I believe in celebrating each accomplishment, and focusing on the fact that every day, you’re one step ahead of where you were yesterday.  Unfortunately, though, I can’t give “the one single best solution” to every person who is reading this.  That’s the value of a personalized, one-on-one health coaching program. you don't have to cook complicated meals - blog 4.28.14(picture source)

To show you that this approach works, I want to share with you a few of the results my clients have experienced in the past few months since I opened my business.  It’s only been a few months, so many of my clients are still in the depth of their transformations.  However, for those clients who have already finished working with me, along with those who completed the Spring Reset yesterday, the results have been inspiring!  Enjoy these health coaching testimonials!

inspiring testimonials

  • Mindset shifts: Upon finishing a health coaching program, one client said “This is the best mindset about food I’ve ever had in my adult life.”
  • Weight loss: One Spring Reset participant lost 7 pounds in 10 days, and said: “I feel great, too. I just feel healthier. I had about 20 pounds I would like to get rid of, and I know they won’t all come off that easily. But it does show how much junk my body was holding on to. Spring Reset is helping me break that vicious cycle. For now, I’m just happy my pants aren’t so tight any more!”
  • Reduced cravings: Another Spring Reset participant said, “2 lbs gone and where are my cravings for sugar at 4pm???????? Hmmm I think I like this Spring Reset!  Megan, seriously, I am not dieting or eating kale stuff BUT I am eating so many more veggies … I always sabotage myself, but this time I’m not dieting and I feel so good so it’s easy! Thank you!”  (Note from Megan: I love kale!  But I would never force my clients to eat it!)
  • Awareness: Yet another Spring Reset participant said this: “I am more determined now than ever!  The best thing the Spring Reset taught me was AWARENESS: 1) of what I put in my mouth and why, 2) of what makes me emotionally eat vs. habit vs. hunger, 3) of what foods are healthy for me and why.”
  • Increased energy: 3 clients (1 Spring Reset, 2 health coaching) have succeeded in eliminating diet sodas from their daily routine, many clients have commented that they no longer need so many cups of coffee throughout the day because they feel more energized.
  • Reduced mindless snacking: One health coaching client said, “I have really mastered having a conversation with myself when I’m about to snack mindlessly. I will allow myself a snack if I am truly hungry, or redirect if I’m not.”
  • Empowerment: Another health coaching client said, “Megan’s personalized health coaching gave me the willpower to control my diet and exercise, and helped me stop feeling badly about how I felt and looked.  The most important difference is that I can honestly say I like myself more than I did before I started working with Megan.”

I hope that, when you read these, you’ll be inspired to start making changes for yourself, and you’ll let me know if you think you can benefit from one-on-one support.  Even if you’re right on track, I would really appreciate you taking a moment to think about someone in your life who needs extra support in order to meet their goals and feel great about themselves.  Please feel free to shoot me an email (, or fill out a request form for a free initial consultation, where we can have a risk-free discussion about your history, your goals, and how I might be able to help you accomplish these goals.

Regardless of whether or not you need a health coach, please remember one thing today … it doesn’t have to be all that complicated.  You CAN do it, and you CAN feel amazing about yourself!  Just listen to your body, do what you can, and celebrate each accomplishment.

So tell me in the comments … What is one thing about living a healthy lifestyle that is surprisingly not complicated?  Do you think living healthily is complicated or simple?


  1. lisa

    I do not think living healthily is complicated, I just think it is a change for many people, and change is usually hard. Once people make it their regular lifestyle and routine, I think they realize that healthy living is not that hard, it’s just a choice.

  2. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    I don’t find being healthy complicated AT ALL! I actually LOVE living healthy. I feel so good and I am so happy about everything and I truly believe it’s because of the way I eat πŸ™‚

    • Megan Lyons

      I love that you are so happy. Keep it up!

  3. Becky@TheSavedRunner

    I do not think living healthily is complicated, I just think it is a change for many people, and change is usually hard. Once people make it their regular lifestyle and routine, I think they realize that healthy living is not that hard, it’s just a choice.

    • Megan Lyons

      That’s a great way to put it, Becky … it is a choice, and one you have to consciously make. But one that is SO worth it!!

  4. Arman @ thebigmansworld

    I’m stoked you’ve been getting positive feedback- although I am not suprised at all.

    I think many fear that first step is tough and that’s probably a reality- but once you make the decision, it’s far easier to practice it too. Little changes lead to big results.

    • Megan Lyons

      Thank you, friend! Yes, little changes definitely lead to big results!

  5. jill conyers

    The hardest part has been finding what healthy living means for me. Once that piece of the puzzle is in place the rest seems easy. A lot of trial and error added with patience.

    • Megan Lyons

      Good point, Jill – that’s a BIG piece of the puzzle, though!

  6. Pat L

    I won’t miss the next reset group. These testimonials are really motivational. When will you schedule the next event?

    • Megan Lyons

      Thanks, Pat! I’m sorry you missed this one! I will definitely be doing a Fall Reset; I’m not yet sure if I’ll add in a Summer one or not!

  7. Amy @ Long Drive Journey

    I think once you get into the groove of things, it’s not complicated at all. Before that, it can seem a little daunting. I kept thinking, “How in the world am I going to change my whole diet and my entire lifestyle???” The most complicated part is taking that first step.

    • Megan Lyons

      You’re totally right, Amy .. the first step is the toughest! And realizing that you don’t have to change EVERYTHING all at once helps, too!

  8. Michael Anderson

    I think that people get conditioned that some radical change is needed – when in reality it is just simple and small stuff that will get results that last.

    First I agree with Deborah above – I got home from my weekend trip, and my wife and I planned the week and shopped all within an hour. It is just making it a habit.

    But my thing is always about small changes – I know I’ve said this as recently as last week, but it is so true. Here are just a few:
    – Parking as far away as you can to get in extra walking.
    – Always having a refillable water bottle at your desk to keep hydrated.
    – Use pistachios (in shell, of course) as an ‘at desk’ snack because they require effort and focus and cut down on ‘mindless snacking’
    – If and when you can, take the stairs.

    Funny thing – I always take the stairs, and the staff at the hotel I stayed at this weekend was a bit confused (I was going ‘all the way up’ to the 5th floor) after all … but when I came back down in running gear I guess they figured out I was crazy! But a friend of mine hopped in the elevator on the second day and asked how it worked (it was keycard activated) and I said I had no clue – I always take the stairs. It really hit him and he smiled – we’ve known each other since we were toddlers, through all the ups and downs ,… so this has been an interestingjourney of re-discovery for him.

    • Megan Lyons

      WOW! I have never managed to plan + shop in an hour. That’s impressive! Planning usually takes me 15 minutes, 10 minutes to walk or drive each way, and maybe I look around too much because I rarely shop for the week in less than 45 minutes :). I LOVE the story of you and your friend … way to go for spreading the word of fitness (without being pushy!)

      • Michael Anderson

        Don’t give me TOO much credit, Megan – this was an in-between week. I did the $500 trip two weeks ago, this was just to supplement and get us through the week. But it is still meal plans, ingredients, and shopping. Just on a smaller scale than usual! πŸ™‚

        And what my friend said was that it totally blew his mind to be ‘taking fitness tips from Mikey A’. πŸ™‚ Yeah, I definitely blew many minds just by being thin, let alone being a runner … and then showing up to the house the first time on Friday mid-run … boom! πŸ™‚

        • Megan Lyons

          You used 3 smiley faces in that comment … you’re turning into me! πŸ™‚
          Seriously, though … you are an inspiration. I know you make these comments light-heartedly, but I hope you realize what an impact you’re having on so many!

          • Michael Anderson

            Oh no – multi-smileys! haha

            Thanks – I honestly have no clue what to do with the word ‘inspiration’ … it is easy for me to say to others, but the thought of me being inspirational feels odd to me. But if my crazy running and weight loss helps people eat a bit better and move a little more, that makes me happy.

            • Megan Lyons

              Despite never losing or needing to lose more than 15 pounds, you inspire me ALL the time! So own up to it!! πŸ™‚

              • Michael Anderson

                Thank youu (#blush) … oh, and sorry about your Mavs πŸ™

  9. Deborah Brooks @ Confessions of a Mother Runner

    It’s really not that hard to plan out healthy meals in advance and make sure that you have the ingredients on hand. I like to make extra portions to freeze or eat the next day. What is hard is resisting temptations that come up unexpectedly.

    • Megan Lyons

      I also love freezing extra portions, Deborah!


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Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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