by | Mar 12, 2014 | 20 comments

Happy Workout Wednesday!  Many of you commented on my positive attitude after my last marathon didn’t go as I had hoped.  Honestly, I think refocusing on the positive aspects of all races is one of the most important keys to racing sustainably for a long period of time.  If you want to just bang out one race and hang up your running shoes for the rest of your life, I guess a positive attitude after a bummer race isn’t all that necessary.  But if you want to continue running and racing for several years to come (like I do!), be aware that you can quickly drag yourself down mentally, unless you learn to reframe suboptimal race situations in a positive light. What to Do When A Race Doesn't Go As Planned

I’m going to leave you with a cliffhanger there, because that is just one of the tips that I shared over at my guest post on the ZOOMA blog earlier this week.  Go check out that post for other tips on “What to Do When Your Race Doesn’t Go As Planned!”  And remember … if you want to run ZOOMA Texas with me on April 12th (10K or half marathon!), use discount code TXAMB8 for 10% off!! zooma texas discount code

If you wound up here from the ZOOMA blog, then welcome!  On “Workout Wednesdays,” I usually share fitness and running tips, workouts that I have created, or other workout-related items.  You can check out some of my previous fitness-related posts here.  While you’re visiting The Lyons’ Share, click here to download my recently-released pdf called “7 Nutrition Myths That Will Change How You Eat Every Day!”  And I hope you stop by again!

Last thing … if you happen to be in Austin, join ZOOMA for a 3-mile run and a post-run yogurt snack bar on April 3rd at 6pm at HEB at Mueller! HEBzoomayogurt-300x197

So tell me in the comments … Have you ever had a race not go as planned?  How did you recover?  What’s your workout for today?


  1. lindsay

    ha, story of my life! I just enjoy the miles.! whatever, yes?

    • Megan Lyons

      Yes! Enjoying the miles is so important! In fact, it’s times when I find myself not enjoying the miles that I know I need to take a step back or take a little break!

  2. emily (a nutritionist eats)

    I love the “look at the positives” section…and clearly I’m not a big race person because I can’t think of a time when people should be upset with themselves. Even if it didn’t go quite as planned, that’s life (and you should be grateful you CAN run!)

    • Megan Lyons

      You’re SO right, Emily! I am very grateful that I CAN run, and I try to focus on this every day! It’s especially times like these, when you start to get “upset” with yourself for underperforming, that you realize how silly that is and what a blessing it is to be able to run and exercise!

  3. emma @ be mom strong

    Yes, I’ve had just about every race but 2 go off not as planned! You just have to use them to fuel the fire for the next race… although my fire is getting pretty intense and I’m running out of race funds!

    • Megan Lyons

      Oh, those darn race funds, I feel your pain! At least both of our fires are intense 🙂

  4. Amy @ Long Drive Journey

    Haha well considering that my second race may very well be my last race, absolutely. This is tough for me because I struggle with getting really discouraged. I felt like I was really getting into my running groove and then I got hurt. And part of me is afraid of starting back and getting excited again, only to reinjure myself (or find out that the same problem is still there). So, I stay positive, but it mainly consists of me not focusing on running. Which is hard. Still, I admire you for keeping your head up and being positive, and I’m going to go read your other article!

    • Megan Lyons

      NO! I refuse to accept that your racing career will be so short-lived. I know it’s tough to get into your groove and get discouraged again, but you will work through it! I think a nice looong, restorative break (full of new fun activities like aerial!) is just what you need and then starting slowly back into it :).

  5. Michael Anderson

    Great post as usual – and I think it is important to make a ‘mental checklist’ of what you did correctly and incorrectly.

    As I said in the other post, I have definitely had races not go my way – one where I PR’d and the other where I didn’t … but in each case I did many things right and some things wrong. My biggest issue is going out too fast (I know, NO ONE does that!). So my test was to set a pace for my final race last year and hold it the whole time. It worked perfectly … and I still managed to push it at the end to a PR

    And like you say, ultimately we have to cut ourselves some slack, praise ourselves for what we did, how hard it was, and all of the benefits we gained.

    • Megan Lyons

      Wow, you went out too fast? That’s so rare!

      (My first attempt at snark 😉

  6. GiGi Eats Celebrities

    I’ve actually never done a race before, however, I used to competitively snowboard and when a competition didn’t go exactly as planned, I remember being very hard on myself only because my coaches were disappointed. That being said, I have since NIXED that type of thinking! I am no longer a very competitive person. It is just too stressful and in the end, no one really cares except you! I instead just think: HEY I tried my best!! And you know what? That type of thinking keeps a smile on my face!

    • Megan Lyons

      I’ll bet if they had a 104 minute elliptical race, you’d be all over it, right? :). So glad you’ve nixed your competitive side and realized how great you are!

      • GiGi Eats Celebrities

        BAH HA HA! I would WHOOP ANYONE’S BUTT!!!!! Oh wait, I promise, I am not competitive! LOL

  7. Karen

    The fact that you don’t run your best in hot temperatures is nothing new.
    Who knew that sandwiched in between 40 degree weather would be 2 days that approached 80 degrees and happened to be one of the days you ran your 5th marathon. Not only have you found ways to handle disappointments, but now you are amazing at motivating and helping others through difficult times.
    WAY TO GO, MEGAN !!!!!

    • Megan Lyons

      I know, I got really unlucky with that crazy stroke of heat, but that’s all part of life. Thanks for the encouragement (on the blog and in person), Mom! I appreciate it!

  8. Lisa @ Running out of Wine

    Yep I have had quite a few races that don’t go as planned! Usually I will swear off that distance for the last couple miles of the race, and then when I finish I’ll decide to never run that course again….but then as time passes and I think it over I can see things more clearly. There is usually something that can be learned from a difficult race experience. And I often end up wanting redemption!

    • Megan Lyons

      Oh, I think I’ve sworn off the marathon distance each of the 5 times I’ve run it … it’s pretty much inevitable :). But I also wanted redemption within 24 hours, so you’re absolutely right!!!

  9. Sara @ LovingOnTheRun

    I’ve had several races not go as planned. I always remind myself that part of the reason I do races is because of the mystery. If you think about it – you can do everything right and have an awful day then you can do everything wrong and have a great day. The same goes with training runs. The thing is the race is always a mystery – all you can do is your best and the rest will come. You did an awesome job, and there will always be other races.

    • Megan Lyons

      That’s such a good point! There’s a little bit of magic in standing at the starting line having NO idea if things are going to go your way or not. Love it!!


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the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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