Yesterday’s post got me thinking .. it’s such a positive step to be starting the discussion around what changes we’d like to see in the world and to compare thoughts with others.ย (By the way, if you haven’t gotten a chance to share your thoughts, please do!ย I want to know what you think about trans fat bans,ย physical education in schools, public parks, and more!)ย Even though it’s great to start the conversation, if that conversation is not inciting passion in ourselves to actually DO something, it’s less valuable than it could be.
I’m sure you’ve heard one of my favorite quotes of all time, from Gandhi:
(Incidentally, I did a book report on Gandhi in 3rd grade and thought it would be a good idea to dress up as him while delivering the presentation … picture a tiny 8-year-old girl, wearing fake spectacles and a white bathing cap to mimic baldness, topped off by a clumsily draped sheet over her “regular” clothes.ย Yes, it was surely a sight to see!).
Anyway, for Motivation Monday today, I’d like to encourage you to think about something you can do to help enable a change you think is needed in the world.ย After writing about fruit and vegetable prescriptions yesterday, I was motivated to reach out to Wholesome Wave to see if I can help in any way from Dallas.ย I’ve also been thinking seriously about getting (re-)involved in Girls on the Run, an absolutely phenomenal organization that I was honored to be a coach of for three seasons in Chicago.ย It’s not possible for me to do after-school volunteering when I’m out of town 4 days per week, but I am sure I can find some way to get involved again in the near future.ย On a more immediate scale, I’m going to be as patient and kind as I can today – I love reminding myself of this on Mondays, as we could all use an extra smile from a stranger at the beginning of the week, right?
(picture source)
So tell me in the comments … what can you do today to help enable a change you’d like to see in the world?
I was a coach with Girls on the Run and loved it. I think the lessons they teach the young girls in the sessions is great. I think it’s always a good idea to reexamine your life and see what you can change for the better. I’ve been focused on getting exercise in, but not great eating, so that’s something I need to change.
I agree with you that Girls on the Run teaches such great lessons, Tonya! It was wonderful to see my girls develop over the course of the season. Congrats on getting in the exercise – there’s certainly always something to strive for for all of us, so I’m glad you’re focused on your next challenge of amping up the healthy eating! Thanks for stopping by!
Definitely one of my all time favorite quotes ๐
Great post and LOVE girls on the run!!
Thanks, Cori! Ever since I posted, I haven’t been able to get GOTR out of my head … it’s been 2 years since I’ve coached and I’m dying to get back!
How can you not love that quote! Easier said then done though!
I totally agree, Elise – it is easier said than done. But SO worth it in terms of helping others AND yourself!
I love that Ghandi quote it is such a good one and one that is good to be reminded of.
Also a good reminder to be patient too, something that on any day of the week is a good reminder for all of us ๐
Thanks, Jan – yes, I have to remind myself to be patient quite often!!!
Doing something good for the community is always something I SAY I will do but actually putting it into action- thats the part that needs to happen!
Thank you so much for the inspiration- I’m actually moving up to Sydney early next year and one of the first things I intend to do is to get involved with the community initiatives with low income and Indigenous Australians!
Oh wow, I had no idea you were moving to Sydney – I ADORED Sydney when I visited last summer and would love to live there someday, too! I actually think getting involved in the community is a PERFECT thing to do when you move to a new city … it’s a good way to meet other people in the new city, put things into perspective, and get you out of your (new) house! Let me know what you end up doing – low income and indigenous Australians sounds like a great “target”!
I love that quote from Gandhi. Please tell me you took a picture of this presentation and that you can find it?! To be honest, I am not sure how to answer your question. I am trying to get more involved with some charitable events but often times am not sure where to start.
I will do my very best to scour my parents’ house for the Gandhi picture over Christmas … it is a winner! As for getting involved, don’t feel overwhelmed – it doesn’t have to be a major decision or commitment, and you can experiment with a few things before you find out what really suits you! Think about what you enjoy to start … I’ll share some of my previous experiences that appealed to different preferences, in case they apply to you. For example, do you want to interact with people and cheer them up? I’ve volunteered in a Children’s Hospital, and finding a way to brighten their days always brightened mine. Do you want to help people get back on their feet after hardship? I’ve tutored adults for the GED and helped them polish up their resumes. Do you want to organize something? I’ve started a 5K race, a blood drive, and a few local projects to rally people behind causes I care about. Do you want to use your passion for an active lifestyle to help others? I’ve coached Girls on the Run and I’ve heard great things about Back on My Feet. Do you want to do something to help others that really helps you put life into perspective? I’ve been a counselor at the Hole in the Wall Gang Camps for children with terminal illnesses, and there is NOTHING like that to make you appreciate your health. OK, I’ll stop boring you now, but I honestly have tons of other experiences that I’d be happy to talk to you about, so let me know what you’re looking for!
I actually have been thinking about finding a volunteer opportunity recently to help with here! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to volunteer with girls on the run here but we don’t have a chapter up here ๐ I think it is such an amazing experience!
Oh no! That’s such a bummer – Girls on the Run is a fantastic organization, and is SO good for the girls’ self confidence and overall outlook on a healthy life. I really wish I had gone through it as a girl! Hopefully wherever you and Wes end up in the next phase of your life, you’ll be able to find a chapter!
So true! And you would be amazing with Girls on the Run ๐ I tend to have a habit of putting off getting involved in my community but nothing would ever get done if everyone put it off! Hoping to do something over the coming weeks with the Toronto Food Bank.
Thank you – I adored coaching Girls on the Run, and can’t wait to get back to it eventually! It’s such a wonderful program. Good for you for getting involved with the Food Bank! Can’t wait to hear what you end up doing with them!