by | Jul 22, 2013 | 6 comments

motivation mondayIt’s Motivation Monday, and all I’m asking this week is that you make one step forward, to become better this week than you were last week.  You choose what that means for you – one additional workout this week, some extra sleep, one small diet change, a faster time on your regular running loop, or an effort to help someone out who may need it.  fitness is being better than you used to beRemember – life is not a race against anyone but yourself, and neither is fitness/ nutrition/ healthy living.  It can be easy to compare yourself to others who are faster, stronger, thinner, healthier, eat or work out differently than you do.  But all you have to do is be the best you can be!

And even while you’re striving to get better, remember this quote that my father-in-law shared with me last week: “Perfection may be a goal, but one is not ever supposed to achieve it.”

If all this is a bit too fluffy for your Monday morning and you’re looking for something to read, head over to yesterday’s post, which gave my thoughts on artificial sweeteners, or my Twitter and Facebook pages, where I link to some interesting health-related articles.

So tell me in the comments … what will you do this week to make yourself better than you were yesterday?


  1. Pat Lyons

    I love Motivation Mondays….. every day of the week!

    • Megan Lyons

      Glad you’re enjoying, Pat! Good reminder to go back and look at it … Monday feels so far away already!

  2. Caitlin

    sometimes someone just needs to read a post like this any morning (but especially a monday). i’ve already made myself better today by not skipping breakfast. i was super tempted to this morning because i had half a cupcake last night for dessert (i know, sounds silly, but i really did feel the sugar hit me after i ate it and it made me feel bad mentally). but i came out on top stronger mentally and physically because i still ate my breakfast despite the temptation to restrict. i have to keep congratulating myself on these kinds of accomplishments to make sure i stay proud of them and keep them up!

    • Megan Lyons

      That’s awesome, Caitlin! Breakfast is so important – you won’t regret it later when your hunger and blood sugar are more stable throughout the day, and you have more energy to get things done! You don’t have to worry about feeling silly here, I completely understand feeling bad mentally about food choices, and I’m glad you got through it! Congratulations and keep it up 🙂

  3. Jen

    Thanks for the motivation, girl! I was a huge slacker in the workout department last week so I will get my act together this week!

    • Megan Lyons

      Jen, I’m very confident that being a slacker for you still means an awesome workout week! But way to go for recommitting this week! Looks like you started out with a nice humid run 🙂



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Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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