I’m sure you’re rushing like me on Monday morning, so here are 3 quick messages for you today:
- Did you read my 7 Healthy Food Swaps post yesterday? Check it out for easy swaps to boost the nutrition of your food without sacrificing taste … and vote for which recipe you’d like to see on Foodie Friday: Turkey-Quinoa-Veggie Stuffed Peppers, or Banana-Apple-Blueberry Bread!
- I think we could all use a burst of positivity on Mondays, so here’s today’s Motivation Monday. Yesterday, I was really struggling with feeling negative, as I often do on Sundays when I’m packing up my suitcase. My thoughts wandered towards: I hate flying out every Monday morning and spending the week away from home. I’m frustrated that my job requires so many hours that I get 4-5 hours of sleep per night during the week and my workouts are squeezed to the bare minimum. I can’t live the healthy lifestyle I want to when I’m forced to eat in restaurants the first 12 meals of every week. (source) Even if some of those are true on the surface, that attitude helps no one! It is amazing how easily you can spiral yourself into misery if you’re thinking negatively. Why didn’t I, instead, think: I’m so lucky that I physically can run, work out, and live an active life, and I love the way working out makes me feel. I’m grateful that I have the knowledge to make the healthiest choices possible, even while on the road. I’m fortunate to have an amazing husband, family, and home to come back to, and that makes me enjoy the weekends even more. (source) I have a pretty amazing life, and this week I’m going to do my best to appreciate it and wake up each day with a refreshed positive attitude. Will you join me? (source)
- Today is National Eat All Your Veggies Day!! This is pretty much the coolest holiday I could ever think of. I check food holidays almost every day, and I’ve had this one on my calendar for weeks to tell you all about. Eat some veggies today!
I vote for turkey quinoa veggie stuffed peppers – although I already know that I’m going to choose to stuff portabellla mushrooms instead of peppers. ::)).
I love the positive thoughts and energy going forward – because I really do believe that happiness is a choice.
I will definitely participate in National Veggie Day/week/month :). – last week I traveled with 3 grand kids to DisneyWorld, and trust me, our diets were not filled with fresh anything!!!! I did drink lots of water though.
What you do regularly is more important than what you do once in a while … so get back on the bandwagon with fresh eating and you’ll feel better in no time!