by | Apr 20, 2015 | 3 comments

motivation monday the lyons share

Today is the Boston Marathon, a historic and exciting day for everyone in the running community, so for Motivation Monday today, I had to choose a quote by a runner!  I love this quote from Lauren Fleshman, one of my favorite American runners:

be a dreamer

Regardless of whether you are a runner or not, this quote can apply to your life.  It’s true that dreaming can sometimes set you up for heartbreak and failure.  There’s always going to be a stumbling block, a goal we don’t reach, or a bump in the road.  And sometimes, when you have your heart truly set on your goals, that really hurts!

Still, isn’t it more fun and rewarding to live every moment striving towards a goal, having the fire in your belly and the passion in every breath?

Today, I encourage you to be a dreamer in some aspect of your life – running, exercise, health, work, family life, or any personal goal that you’ve been stifling.  Dream big!  Then go make it happen!

purifi summit

You all know that I love free informational summits, and I have one more to offer you.  This time, I’m speaking in it!  The PURIFI Summit launches tomorrow, and you can sign up to stream the talks online for free here.  The Summit has three parts – Mind, Body, and Home.  I am speaking in the “Body” section, which isn’t for a few weeks, but don’t miss out on the great content that starts TODAY!  Sign up here.

Now it’s your turn … How can YOU dream big today?  Good luck to all those running Boston!


  1. Bre @bumpandrunchat

    I’m always striving to being the best version of myself, so I guess in a way that’s being a dreamer. Dreaming of the possibilities and working toward them. Great message today!

  2. Debbie Rodrigues

    On my bio, I describe myself as a Dream Builder because that is exactly who I am.
    It is not the easiest way of life, but I am a firm believer that we all have inherit tools to achieve Amazing things. The obstacles are a small price to pay for greatness.
    Great Monday Motivation blog! #sweatpink

  3. Pip {Cherries & Chisme}

    Being a dreamer has always been a big love of mine 😉 it’s amazing to look back now and see how some of my little kid dreams are now a reality – like when I was little pretending our back garden was a city square as I dreamed of living in London, and now here I am!
    Dreaming allows you to imagine your best reality, and then the most important bit is to go get it! So important considering how we often find ourselves too scared to chase them.


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