by | Mar 16, 2019 | 0 comments

Chris McClung

This week’s interview featured Chris McClung: co-owner of Rogue Running / Rogue Training DFWRogue Training and host of the Running Rogue podcast. Whether you’re a runner or not, check out my top 10 takeaways from Chris’ interview for immediate ways to improve your health. He had tons of health tips to share! Follow Chris on Instagram: @roguechris, and check out his Dallas / NYC / Houston training website: and his Austin training and retail website:

Here is a recap of the 10 insights he shared:

  1. Find a way to move that you enjoy. For Chris, it’s running. If you’re not having fun, the activity won’t be sustainable for you. If you don’t know what this is for you, try walking, yoga, or a spin class!
  2. Be willing to dive deep into one thing. There are a lot of fitness trends right now, and people like to try a wide array of things. If you involve yourself deeply into one thing, not only will you have more fun, but you’ll also learn a lot more!
  3. Find your team and a coach who will support you in your movement practice. You need people to encourage you, and people to learn from! 
  4. Chris often struggles to get enough sleep. However, he knows that sleep is an important aspect of recovery. While you may be able to manage without enough sleep, you are harming yourself in many (often undetectable) ways. 
  5. To combat his lack of sleep, Chris is trying to recognize the cues of fatigue. When he feels fatigue, he takes short naps. When he wakes up, he feels more productive and recovered from his running practice. 
  6. Myth: You have to go hard to get faster. You actually need to go easy most of the time in order to get the right aerobic benefit and develop speed over time. This will keep you from breaking down and becoming inconsistent. 
  7. If you only have one minute for your health, go sign up for a race! Find a 5k, 10k, or trail race that looks interesting to you. It’s so motivating to have a goal to work toward! Sign up with friends, or find a race for a cause that’s important to you.
  8. Chris’s favorite motivational quote: “If you have a body you’re an athlete”- Bill Bowerman. Everyone should own this!
  9. “A champion is not made when he succeeds. A champion is made when you look back at the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months he has spent preparing.”- Elide Kipchoge, world record marathon runner.
  10. Final value bomb: Every day when your alarm goes off you have a decision to make. You can choose the pain of discipline, or the pain of regret. You will not regret getting up early to exercise, but you will probably regret hitting the snooze button and missing your workout. 

Now it’s your turn…What was your favorite takeaway from this interview?  Who would you like to see as a future guest on Lyons’ Share 10/10?


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Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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