This week’s interview featured Sara Bollman, founder of Your Whole Source, professional counselor, and behavior analyst. She was full of awesome tips and reminders to help us attain our health goals while maintaining balance in all aspects of our lives. Bookmark her forthcoming blog here! Here is a recap of the 10 insights she shared:
1. Practice mindfulness. Dedicate attention to your body’s cues, your experiences, and your relationships. This brings awareness and honesty for where you are in your life.
2. Build your health goals based on this awareness and honesty. That is the best foundation for attainable health goals!
3. It’s OK to ask for help. Asking for information from someone who knows more than you is the best ROI.
4. Plan ahead. Whether its meal prepping, deciding when you’re going to work out, or when you’re going to bed or waking up, invest in yourself!
5. Sara sometimes struggles to execute her plans. To fight this, she gives herself an hour a day that is dedicated to dealing with anything unexpected that may come up. This way, nothing can interfere with achieving the goals she sets for herself!
6. You do not need to spend tons of money to meet health goals. Give attention to finances, physical health, and mental well-being. Balance is key to living a healthy life!
7. If you only have one minute per day to improve your health, meditate and give thanks. In just one moment, you can reset your mind and set yourself up for a more well-rounded day.
8. You don’t have to sit in silence and turn off your mind to meditate. Find a guided meditation online to prompt gratitude and reflection!
9. Sara’s favorite quote: “We need to learn to select our thoughts like we select our clothes each day” from Elizabeth Gilbert. We have the power! If you want to control something, control your mind.
10. Her parting value bomb: It is not our one moment of decision or a life changing event that gives us the results we need. It’s the practices and behaviors that we implement into our daily lives that give us the results we’re after.
Now it’s your turn…What was your favorite takeaway from this interview? Who would you like to see as a future guest on Lyons’ Share 10/10?