by | Sep 27, 2018 | 0 comments


Last week’s interview featured Payton McDill, The Lyons’ Share’s Creative Director. She gave us some great insights on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle by keeping balance and focusing on positivity. We are so happy to have an amazing woman like her on our team! Check her out at @paytonstray on Instagram. Here is a recap of the 10 insights she shared:

  1.  Payton is busy running her own business, but she still takes time do what she loves. She’s a Go-Go dancer and a ballerina! Always make time for what makes you happy.
  2. When meal prepping, prep the ingredients without cooking them. That way, if you’re like Payton, you can quickly make a meal with all the ingredients on hand without having to eat reheated food!  (Want more tips on meal planning?  We have a Meal Planning Webinar available in our Store!
  3. Be adaptable. What’s best for your body is what it can handle!  If you’re injured, back off, and find some other way to move your body.
  4. If you don’t like drinking water, trick yourself into it! Add fruit to make it more flavorful.
  5. If you have a hard time waking up in the morning but would like to get going early, have others hold you accountable! Schedule meetings and obligations with others earlier in the day to motivate yourself.
  6. You may have heard a lot about low carb diets, but carbs are not always bad. Remember that veggies are a GREAT source of carbs!
  7. You don’t always have to dedicate a lot of time to exercising and healthy habits. If all you have time for is to stretch for one minute before bed, do it! One minute is better than nothing!
  8. Payton’s favorite quote: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you have imagined,” from Henry David Thoreau. It can be hard to follow your dreams if they’re scary. Do it anyway!
  9. Leaving something that is toxic in your life when you have no back up plan can be really hard to do. Payton knew that the job she was in wasn’t right for her, so she faced her fear and started her own business!
  10. Her parting value bomb: Don’t discount the value of community! It’s ok to talk about your health journey. Love yourself how you are now, but also strive to grow and improve. You never know who you could impact by opening up about your own journey.

Don’t forget to join us next week at 10:10am Central Time for another fun and insightful interview!

Now it’s your turn…What was your favorite takeaway from this interview?  Who would you like to see as a future guest on Lyons’ Share 10/10?


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Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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