Eating a variety of vegetables is essential for a healthy diet, but let's face it, they can sometimes be perceived as bland or boring. Including vegetables in your meal does NOT have to mean a pile of boiled, mushy broccoli on a plate, though! There are countless...
How Much Protein Do You Need? (and the benefits of protein!)
Of the three macronutrients (protein, fat, and carbohydrates), protein is the least likely to get vilified by popular diet culture. We’ve certainly done low-fat (hello, Snackwells of the 90s and increased obesity and rates of chronic disease!), and we go in and out...
The Secret to My Sugar Cravings: My Protein Milkshake Recipe
You may already know that I am a chocolate fanatic. If I could choose one food to eat for the rest of my life, chocolate is near the top of the list. In fact, sweets of all kinds would probably be right up there. I especially crave sugar at night (side note: this...
20 Healthy Pumpkin Recipes
With the Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks coming out in August this year, you might think we were several weeks into Fall … but the temperatures here in Dallas are still telling me otherwise! That said, I’ve never been one to shy away from healthy pumpkin recipes...
Healthy Smoothie Roundup (20 More Healthy Smoothie Recipes!)
Thanks to your positive feedback on last week’s post on how to build a healthy smoothie, I’m bringing you a bonus smoothie post with 20 more healthy smoothie recipes today! Sadly, you can’t just trust Pinterest or a pretty picture that is labeled “healthy” …...
The 7 Healthy Smoothie Ingredients You Need for Delicious and Filling Smoothies!
Green smoothies are everywhere these days, and for good reason. Green smoothies can be a great way to get in extra nutrients in a quick, portable, delicious format, and can be a great bridge to getting people to consume more veggies. But some green smoothies are...
Foodie Friday in a Flash: Avocados
Welcome to a brand new series ... called Foodie Friday in a Flash! I'll be bringing you 2-minute videos highlighting one of my favorite foods, along with its health benefits. (Thank you all so much for the feedback on Monday's video about what I do as a Health Coach...
7 Reasons I’m Excited About myMix Nutrition {GIVEAWAY and Discount Code!}
You likely know that one of my strongest nutritional beliefs is in bioindividuality, or the principle that not one specific thing works for every single person. Whether we're talking about exercise, nutrition, or lifestyle, there is no one perfect solution that will...
One Last Summer Smoothie
Remember how I told you that Fall doesn't actually start until September 22nd? You'll be grateful for that today, because I have a delicious, refreshing, summery (and, of course, healthy!) smoothie to wrap up your summer. Seriously - make this NOW. I wasn't even...
Green smoothies … worth the hype?
By now, you've probably seen someone walking around with a sludgy-looking green juice or smoothie, and may have even asked WHY in the world anyone would drink something so ... green. Sales of super-premium fruit and vegetable juices have risen 58% since 2004, and...