by | May 7, 2019 | 0 comments

healthy pantry tips

I’ve been promising a healthy pantry tour for a while now, and I’m excited to finally share a quick version!  You’ll see the whole tour in the video below, and I’ve linked to some of the specialty items here, as well as given you my top 5 healthy pantry tips.  Enjoy!

Healthy Pantry Tips

  1. Keep the healthiest snacks at eye level. When you walk into the pantry hungry, you don’t want to be confronted with the least healthy options there.  Make it easy to grab your healthiest items, and make yourself work a little if you’re truly craving something else.
  2. If you live with kids, roommates, partners, or other people who have different health goals, keep their snacks in a different container. It helps me mentally to say “this is Kevin’s food.”  Of course, there’s nothing actually preventing me from grabbing some of his food, but if it were all mixed in with my snacks, I guarantee I’d be eating his 90% of the time instead of 10% of the time.
  3. Regularly stock up on the things you use most. Any time there is a sale on any of my staples, like broth, collagen, or salsa, I’ll buy several of them, and line them up behind each other on the shelf.  I’ll never regret having extra, I know I’ll use it, and there’s very little risk of “overeating” broth!
  4. One “extra” per trip. On the other hand, for those “extra” items (like “healthier” cookies), I limit myself to one per shopping trip.  If I stocked up on 5 extra bags of cookies like I do with broth, it’s likely that I’ll eat all 5 bags sooner than I would otherwise.  So keeping it to one item per trip helps me out a lot!
  5. Keep “once in a while” items high up. You’ll notice that my Paleo pancake mix and baking items are on the top shelf, requiring a step stool to reach.  If I’m truly wanting to bake something, it’s there for me, but otherwise, I don’t walk into the pantry, see it, and get triggered to bake.  In fact, I probably bake items like this 2-3 times per year!

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