by | Feb 27, 2014 | 16 comments

We’ve all have those days where 3pm rolls around and we can’t think about anything besides a nap.  Am I right?  I love my one cup of coffee every morning, but when the afternoon rolls around, coffee sometimes loses its appeal.  If I’m cold, I’ll reach for a cup of tea, but when I really need a boost, I open up a packet of EBOOST.  Here’s me on Tuesday, heading to my Girls on the Run practice with a much-needed EBOOST … those girls have energy!

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When I worked in consulting, I would always have EBOOST packets in my bag, and often stocked my team rooms with them, too.  (In my new job, I actually do jumping jacks and handstands when I need a boost, but I still turn to EBOOST, too!)  They taste delicious (pink lemonade is my favorite flavor, but acai pomegranate is a close second!), and have about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee (110mg per packet).  When I first heard about the product, I was sure it was just another energy drink loaded with tons of chemicals, artificial ingredients, and preservatives that I didn’t want to put in my body, or that it was loaded with added sugar, which I try to avoid.  eboost collage

When I researched the company, though, I was pleased to see that EBOOST is all-natural and gets its caffeine from green tea, green coffee bean extracts, quercetin, and Vitamin B-12 extracts (which I discussed briefly in my supplement post).  EBOOST has no artificial flavors or colors (it’s flavored by stevia, which I discuss here, and colored by natural beta carotene).  The product is gluten-free, soy-free, and lactose-free, has more electrolytes than coconut water, and contains potassium, zinc, selenium, chromium, and Vitamins C, D, B6, and B12.  It has 10 calories per packet, and I usually mix it with a huge bottle of water (the recommended 12 ounces tastes a bit too sweet for my taste).

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It sounds pretty much perfect, right?  Honestly, I do love the product.  Yes, in a perfect world, I would limit my consumption of stevia, and I would only drink water.  However, sometimes I just need a little burst of energy without a bunch of added junk or sugar, and for me, EBOOST is a tasty and healthy way to achieve this goal.

eboost hat

As much as I love EBOOST, this hat is … um … not me.  So, the person to make me laugh hardest in the comments will get the t-shirt (size large), the hat, and an extra bonus from me in the mail!  Anywhere in the world, but I’ll send it super slow and as-cheap-as-possible if you’re not in the US!

So tell me in the comments … What do you do when you need a burst of energy?  Do you think I should wear this hat on my next date with Kevin or important meeting?


  1. Karen

    Even as your MOTHER, I can’t tell you that the hat looks cute…… fact, it made me LOL big time. What were you thinking to post that picture ??? Haha !!!

    • Megan Lyons

      Haha, glad to make you laugh, Mom! That’s why I posted the picture 🙂

  2. cottercrunch

    we loved ours! it’s tasty. could go for one now.. haha zzzzzz

    • Megan Lyons

      It is tasty! Hope you got some rest!

  3. Michelle

    Thanks for the discount code! I’m definitely going to try it out. I tried the maca and I didn’t have great results and some unwanted side effects. I’ll let you know how it goes!!

    • Megan Lyons

      So sorry you experienced side effects with maca, Michelle! I hope EBOOST is better for you!

  4. Amy @ Long Drive Journey

    Oh my gosh, Megan!!! Your site looks SO GOOD!! This redesign is PHENOMENAL! I’m sure that you talked about it a few posts ago, so I’m going to go read that and get the scoop but holy smokes! This looks just fabulous!

    • Megan Lyons

      Thank you SOO much! You made my day 🙂

  5. Sara @ LovingOnTheRun

    Haha love the hat! I think you can make it work. This looks like a great product because I know with working late sometimes I really struggle for energy these days! I don’t always want to drink coffee mid-day even though sometimes I have to.

    • Megan Lyons

      Hope you end up trying it, Sara! I know you’re working long hours right now!

  6. Gary

    Meg. You can rest assured that you will not accidentally get run over by a vehicle with that hat on . Then again, the driver could be blinded by it, or may deliberately run you down in the spirit of ecological improvement! This product sounds like something that may be a welcome addition in our Firm’s kitchen.

    • Megan Lyons

      Haha, Gary, don’t worry, I will not be killed in the spirit of ecological improvement since I’m giving the hat away. I don’t think Kevin was very amused by how I looked in it!

  7. Michael Anderson

    Aw c’mon – the hat is KILLER! haha … well, it might be if it was 6 sizes smaller!

    I have heard of this before, but generally I am fine with water – I eliminated soda and coffee from my afternoon (still have morning coffee), but might have hot tea if it is cold.

    I laugh about the handstands … just because of picturing myself, not you! 🙂 I take walks – using remote restrooms is one of my tricks to keep myself moving. I’ll be moving desks to be with the team on my new project rather than half-way across the facility, so will need to figure out how to compensate for the reduced walking. All about ‘getting in the steps’ … 🙂

    And I DEFINITELY think you should wear the hat on a date or to a meeting … but more to the side to emphasize just how ‘gangsta’ you are!

    • Megan Lyons

      Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a winner!!! I can’t tell you how much this post made me laugh when I read it yesterday morning. Something about the thought of MICHAEL saying “emphasize just how ‘gangsta’ you are” cracked me up :). Looks like Danny and/ or Chris will have a funky new hat – email me your address! And good for you for thinking about getting in the steps despite moving closer to your team!

  8. Tina Muir

    Interesting! i have never heard of eboost, but I like that it is not one of those 5 hour energy things that are full of junk! I often need a pick me up in the afternoon as I do my hard runs in the morning (sometimes up to 20 miles) and as I work as a coach, I am then standing on my feet all day. My poor legs get pretty tired! This would be helpful to give me a boost while I do! Thanks for bringing them to my attention!

    • Megan Lyons

      Tina, I can’t imagine how tired you must be after doing a long run and THEN coaching. If I run more than 15 miles or so, I am on the couch the rest of the day!!! Hope you try out EBOOST!


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Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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