by | Jul 23, 2024 | 0 comments

Team Lyons' Share: Health Tips and Insights from Emily, Kass, and Rhiannon!


In this podcast, Megan Lyons introduces her team members Kass Backes, Rhiannon Bibbs, and Emily Baker. Kass discusses her passion for helping people find balance and feel good, while Rhiannon shares her excitement about helping people live a toxin-free life and her upcoming one-on-one coaching service. Emily talks about her background in sports medicine and functional medicine and her love for working with clients on hormone imbalance, GI issues, and skin conditions. The team also shares their favorite areas to work with clients on, including blood sugar balance, self-care, and toxin awareness. They each provide a mini lesson on a health-related topic and share a personal health habit. They express their gratitude to their clients and encourage them to continue their health journey one step at a time.

Visit this link to be the first to know when Nhue Standard launches.

Enroll in Refocus with Megan & Emily at this link.

Enroll in Refocus with Megan & Kass at this link

Full Episode:

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Megan Lyons:

Welcome back, my friends to Wellness Your Way. I am more thrilled than you can possibly imagine to have three very special guests on with me today. These fantastic women make up team Lyons’ Share, and I had had in my mind to interview them for quite some time, but it was actually you all the audience who brought me to actually take action because so many of you requested to hear from them. So I know you’ll love this episode. I know you will feel inspired. I certainly feel inspired every single day as I get to interact with them. They teach me so much more than I possibly teach them, and I can’t wait for you to get to know them. So I’m going to start by asking them to introduce themselves to you and just telling us a little bit about your background, what brought you to the Lyons’ Share and cast. Since you’re on the top of my screen, I’m going to start with you. Please introduce yourself.

Kass Backes:

Awesome. Well, hello, it’s so great to be here. Admittedly, I am a devout podcast listener. I’ve been listening to podcasts for years now, including Wellness Your Way. So I feel like this is a little bit like an unrealized dream come true. So I’m really glad to be here. As I said, I am Kass and I work at the Lyons’ Share. I have my Bachelor of Health science and almost completed master of Science in Human Nutrition and functional Medicine. I’ve also completed training from the Institute for Functional Medicine and I work as a health coach and nutritionist here at the Lyons’ Share. Honestly, I never thought I would end up where I’m at today if I go all the way back to junior high. I actually remember math class, not super infrequently shedding a few tears when I was in math. So it’s really awesome that I made it through junior high math and pushed myself through that and made it through discovering functional medicine and really just looking deeper using nutrition and lifestyle as the foundation of health. And I think for me that was really life changing and I love that I get to be able to do that now and really help people implement some of those steps to look deeper and find balance and just feel good. It’s the best job ever.

Megan Lyons:

Oh, and we are just so lucky to have you. It’s going to take every single ounce of restraint in my body to not follow up to every single one of these intros and just make it a conversation about you all. But in the interest of giving us all time, I’m going to move on. Rhiannon, I’d love for you to introduce yourself.

Rhiannon Bibbs:

Yes, hello everyone. My name is Rhiannon. I’m the creative director at The Lyons’ Share. And my background, I’ve done so many things, but if I had to sum it up, I would say my background is rooted in entrepreneurship. Fun fact, I discovered what an entrepreneur was when I was 12, and ever since then, it’s exactly what I wanted to be. I started my first business when I was 25. It was a women’s clothing boutique. I was in love with fashion at that time, but I also started to learn about reading product labels and toxic ingredients, organic non GMO. And I really just fell in love with that process. I first of all couldn’t believe that some of those ingredients they allowed in our products, and that was probably about, I would say it’s definitely over 10 years ago. And I’m still in love with it now, and I’ve only shared that knowledge with my loved ones, my close family and friends. And one day God spoke to me and said, I need you to share what you’ve learned and discovered with the public. So it started a new dream in me to start a place where people can find all these better products I’ve been researching in one place. So I recently founded Nhue Standard. We spell nhue N-H-U-E, and we exist to help create generational health. Toxins affect us in so many different areas of our lives I think people don’t even realize, but it’s so important to reduce toxins in your life.

I’m just excited. I’m excited to help people live a toxin free life. We’re currently revamping the website right now, but we’re going to relaunch in August. And one thing we’re going to relaunch with is one-on-one coaching. So it’s called Product matchmaking. I’ve spoken with a lot of people and they have expressed frustration with how do I find the right product? How do I know if it’s truly clean and non-toxic? So I’m excited to work with people one-on-one to go through literal, literally every room in their house and find out what products can we find better for you. Yeah, check us out We’ll have a landing page on there where you can enter your email address and be the first to know when we relaunch. I’m super excited to help everyone out.

Megan Lyons:

Amazing. You are such a wealth of knowledge on that. And of course we’ll link to that in the show notes. Thank you. Again, I’ll restrain myself because I’m so excited to hear from Emily. Please introduce yourself to us, Emily.

Emily Baker:

Awesome, thank you, Megan. Yes, my name is Emily Baker and my background, I kind of started getting into health and wellness in my teens, so early teens. And it was really a result of some health issues that I was dealing with at the time, hormone imbalance, some GI issues, skin issues. And I really, really dug into it, kind of not getting the answers I was looking for from a conventional perspective. And so I turned to my nutrition and diet and Google and really just dug in and I was able to find a lot of relief even then. And I’ve really just loved the process and I didn’t know the term functional medicine then, but when I did find it, I was like, this is what I have been understanding, looking at kind of the root and underlying cause to some of these symptoms and diagnosis that I eventually got. And so really just started with a personal passion of mine. My bachelor’s, I went on to get in sports medicine. I have also biology background with my associates, and then I found the program at UWS and went through the master’s of Functional Medicine and human Nutrition. And yeah, I found Megan actually through our shared mentor. So that was just a wonderful connection and that’s how I found Lyons’ Share.

Megan Lyons:

Amazing. And again, such a wealth of knowledge. So I am excited to hear more from each one of you. This next question will be a little different for Rhiannon in your role versus Kass and Emily. So for Rhiannon, and by the way, I should give a little bit more background. As creative director Rhiannon edits the podcast does the newsletter, puts the blog up, is responsible for lots of social media, is kind of in touch with all of the content that we do outside of the one-to-one Nutrition work with our clients. And then of course Kass and Emily are really hands-on in the day-to-Day with our direct clients. They work in our new refocus program directly with clients as their sole nutritionist. I am working with separate clients under different programs, but they’re really on their own with these clients. So what I’m going to ask you each for Rhiannon, what are some of your favorite topics to produce all of your content on? And then for Kass and Emily after that, what are some of your favorite areas to work with clients on? We’ll start with you, Rhiannon.

Rhiannon Bibbs:

Yes. So I have three. The first one will not be a surprise. Toxins, I love anytime that you have someone on talking about toxins or you have a blog post about it because the more people hear about it, the more hopefully they understand how important it is. The second one will be sleep because I think people sleep on how important sleep is,

And it’s just our health is so dependent upon our sleep and how much we get. And you hear it all the time, get your seven, eight hours, but I don’t think people really pay attention to it. Me, even myself as a mom, sometimes I stay up later my moment to be by myself and get things done. And so it’s just so important to focus on sleep. And then the last one will be gut health. There’s a quote that says All disease begins in the gut and it’s so important to take care of your gut health as well. So every time I hear someone talk about these things, I just love getting the content out. It’s so important for people to learn about toxins, about sleep and about gut health.

Megan Lyons:

Yes, amazing. Thank you for that. How about you, Emily? What are your favorite areas to work with clients on?

Emily Baker:

That’s a tough question. I love working with clients on many areas. I would say just due to personal experience with hormone imbalance, GI issues, and then skin conditions. I would say that’s probably personal favorite kind of those areas. But within those areas, there’s just so many subtopic also and conditions. But I would say mostly GI health hormones, especially female hormone imbalance and then also metabolic health, so blood sugar dysregulation and those kind of conditions associated with that.

Megan Lyons:

And you’ll hear familiarities audience in the things that we talk a lot about because this is what so many of our clients are looking for is metabolic health and GI issues and hormone balance. So of course I picked all of the team members strategically and several more areas I’m sure are going to be touched on by Kass. What are your favorite areas to work on?

Kass Backes:

It’s so hard to choose, and I think it’s so bio individual because some people will touch on something multiple times and other things we may not touch on that topic at all. I think for everybody touching on sustainability and building habits into your life, I think that’s just naturally built into all of the Lyons’ Share programs of figuring out how to make something work for you and to build habits that feel good. I think that’s really important. Of course, I love chatting about food. I love talking about macronutrients. I feel like they’ve really been demonized between low fat and too much protein is really bad for you and oh, all carbs are bad. I think they’ve all been kind of cycled through, but instead figuring out instead, what are their benefits and how can they serve us rather than really being afraid of macronutrients or different foods.

Kind of in that same thing, I really love talking about blood sugar. If you’re my client, we probably talked about it before because it’s so foundational to health. Before we can work downstream on sex hormones or thyroid or cortisol and stress, we have to before or at least at the same time, be working on blood sugar balance because it’s really this foundation of health. So I love talking about those. I also really love talking about self-care. I think we’re often putting ourselves last even when it comes to our health. And so figuring out how to make time for us, how to just really bring more nourishment into our life, I think can be really impactful on our health journey.

Megan Lyons:

Amazing such wealths of information, all three of you and multi-passionate people, which I very much love. On that note, I’m going to ask each of you to give us a little mini lesson. Imagine that all of the audience is one collective client and you want to teach them something in just a few minutes. You could choose whatever topic you would like. Emily, I’m going to start with you.

Emily Baker:

Okay, awesome. So this is a personal favorite of mine. This has to do with stress management techniques and delving into our favorite topic over here of detox. And so just kind of talking about stress management techniques. So one of my favorites is to talk about the topic of digital detox. So in this industry we talk about detox a lot, and I think probably digital detox is one of the, it’s easy to say, but it’s the hardest to implement, especially just with our modern world and how connected we are digitally to each other, which has so many benefits, but also just remembering to remain mindful of taking the time away as well. And so digital detox, what is it? So obviously our contact with electronics throughout the day can have negative effects on our health depending on how much time we’re spending around them, interacting with them, et cetera.

And so some of those negative effects are increased symptoms of anxiety, depressive thoughts and distracted thinking or lack of focus, things like that. And touching back on sleep, even kind of disrupted sleep patterns. I’m sure we’ve all heard blue light and the effects on sleep patterns. So digital detox, how do we implement that? Maybe taking a few moments, even just starting there every single day and being intentional about setting the phone down or turn the TV screen off. And a specific way I like to do it is to go outside and touching back on Kass’ and talking about grounding. So going out and connecting with nature I think is a perfect way to counteract those effects as well. There are a ton of studies and I’m sure we’ve seen a lot of them, but connecting to the soil specifically has those kind of antidepressive microbial benefits. And then just to put the cherry on top, if you can get some sunshine also that vitamin D can help quite a bit. So yeah, that’s just a personal favorite of mine and I think we all know it, right? We all know we need to spend less time on our screens, but just being mindful of implementing that can make such a huge difference in our stress and wellbeing.

Megan Lyons:

That’s amazing and I love that you broke it down and said just start with a few minutes every day because I think of digital detox and I’ll even tell a challenge that I’m going to do in just a moment, but I think of it as like go the whole weekend without touching your phone. And that seems really intimidating for most of us, but we can all do just a few minutes and sadly we don’t do just a few minutes on every day most of us. So I will take that challenge, I’m going to take it up one notch and give some public accountability for myself here. My 40th birthday is coming up not too far in the future and I’m creating 40 challenges for myself and at least one of them, well one of them will be not touching any device with a screen computer phone at all. Not even one single touch for an alarm or anything like that for a day. So that will be one that I will do, but on a smaller scale, I’m committing to a few minutes every day and I appreciate you sharing some of the benefits of that. Thank you.

Emily Baker:

Awesome. You’re welcome.

Megan Lyons:


Kass, take it away. What would you like to teach us?

Kass Backes:

All right. I think I’m going to chat about mindful eating. I find that we’re so often focused on what we’re eating, but we’re not often focused on how we’re eating. And both can play a really important role in our health. I think the truth is though, even if we’re eating all the right things, but we’re not absorbing our food or tasting our food or enjoying our food, it’s not going to work. It’s definitely not going to work long-term or feel good in your body. So I really love this concept of mindful eating, which is really just bringing more presence and awareness to your food. Essentially this could look like eating without distractions, really chewing your food, slowing down and actually tasting it. And this can actually help us to really get out of the sympathetic mode more into our relaxation state so that we can enhance our digestion and absorb our food more as well as tune into our natural hunger and fullness signals and just our intuition around food and what feels good in our body.

I think we’re born intuitive eaters and then I think the narrative of society and a family kind of gets in the way and we really move into doing what fits in our schedule or what somebody else says is right. And I think it can be really powerful to turn back to really tuning back into our food. So I think this is really beneficial for everybody, but especially people who have any sort of GI dysfunction, who want to really lean more into their intuition or for people who want to support a healthy weight going off. Kind of what Emily said, I think one great way to start tuning more into your food and utilizing mindful eating is just putting the electronics away, which I know is a lot easier to say than to do, but even if you can do it for one meal a day or one meal a week, if you can just turn the TV off, put the phone away, that really helps us pay attention to our food and to get a lot of those benefits. Another great way to tune into mindful eating would be to just offer yourself some time before you eat rather than jumping into it. Just even giving yourself three breaths before you start eating or saying some gratitude for your food or gratitude for your day, for just a moment before you start eating, I think can help us really just start experiencing and feeling more of the impacts of our food.

Megan Lyons:

I love it so much and Emily and Kass I’m sure will both agree with me. We work with a lot of people with digestive challenges, whether that’s their primary complaint or that’s just something that comes up in conversation as we’re working through their health protocol. And we have lots of tools in our toolkit in terms of supplements and all kinds of fancy stuff. But at the end of the day, one of the most powerful things things I’ve ever seen for digestion is helping people do what cas just said, actually chew their food, slow down, practice gratitude, engage that parasympathetic state, that rest and digest state, and then we actually digest better. It really is amazing. So I appreciate you sharing that cas and I know that several people will take you up on that challenge. And last but not least, Rhiannon, I’d love for you to teach us something.

Rhiannon Bibbs:

Yes, I’m going to share my top two tips for swapping out toxic products. The first one would be don’t stress. I know it’s hard to do. Yeah, I know it’s hard to do. You see all the posts on social media, you see the videos and you have that moment where you’re overwhelmed and oh my goodness, what am I going to do? And I eat this every day or I use this every day. And the most important thing is don’t stress. Do not stress. That’s going to be more harmful than anything. It’s to stress out about it. So the fact that you’re aware and mindful is already setting you up on the right path. And that leads me to number two, which is to swap out products as you use them up. Trust me, I know firsthand that swapping out products can become really expensive and the last thing we want people to is get overwhelmed and abort mission because they’ve spent hundreds or thousands of dollars.

So if you used up your toothpaste, find a better swap for it. If you use up your mascara, find a better swap. It helps to reduce waste because we don’t want to throw out a whole bunch of products that are barely used or half used. It saves us money and it just helps with your mental health along the process knowing, oh, I’ll swap this out when I use it up. It gives you time to research in the middle of things, and I think it really can just set you up for success in this journey. It’s a long journey. I’ve been on it for over 10 years and I’m still swapping out stuff. So give yourself grace. If I had to choose a number three, I would say give yourself grace along the process and just know that you’re doing the best that you can.

Megan Lyons:

I love those tips. That’s been the approach that I have followed because I recognized when I first started learning about this, like you said, if I just went through my whole house, I would probably quit after two hours. It really is overwhelming, but I just notice one thing every week or maybe one thing every month. It doesn’t even have to be that fast that I use up and I look at the ingredients and I think, okay, maybe there is a better option out there. And I just take it step by step. I mean, the truth is in today’s day and age, we literally cannot avoid toxins completely. No person can. So that’s not even a noble goal. Just taking it step by step like Rhiannon said, is really amazing. Thank you for that.

Rhiannon Bibbs:

Yeah, you’re

Megan Lyons:

Welcome. So great. Okay, so next up is a habit that you each include in your own personal routine. Maybe something that you haven’t touched on yet. It doesn’t even have to be something that you would recommend to every single person, but something that really lights you up. I can’t remember. So I must have just started with Emily. So Kass, you must be first again.

Kass Backes:

Oh, great.

Megan Lyons:


Kass Backes:

Okay. Oh, so many things. But one thing I really love is drinking herbal teas and I used to not be a tea person at all, but I think there’s such a powerful way to support your health in a really can be a really easy, convenient, affordable way to just add some more plants into your diet. Right. On the other side of me, I actually have my little garden with mint and lemon balm and herbs and things that are just great to pick off and throw into a cup of tea to just add some extra nutrition in there and different herbs can support the body in different ways. So of course a great time to talk to whoever your practitioner is, to figure out maybe what might be best for you, but it’s such a easy and tasty way to just add some extra nutrition to your diet and to your health habits.

Megan Lyons:

That’s a great one. I would not have guessed that that’s what you were going to say, but I’m very happy to hear that. It’s good motivation for me to, I know that I could grow my own herbs and I have before, so I am going to take that as yet another challenge. Thank you.

Kass Backes:

Very fair. Or just buy ’em dried and that’s okay too. Whatever fits your lifestyle.

Megan Lyons:

I love it. Thank you. How about you, Rhiannon?

Rhiannon Bibbs:

Yes. I would say creating love moments throughout my day, and by that I mean loving on the people that I love. My daughter has been instrumental in teaching me that because it’s so easy. I work from home. So to get caught up in my Zoom calls or my meeting or the projects or getting through my to-do list, and she’s really taught me the importance of just as we should step away from our screens. If we’ve been sitting there too long, you should step away and go love on someone or something. And so I’ll go give her a hug or I’ll go play dolls with her for 10, 15 minutes and I’ve noticed it resets my body. I can feel my nervous system literally calm. I just feel happier. There’s more joy, there’s less stress, and you don’t have to have anyone in your home to do it.

If you live alone, go love on your plants, love on yourself, go sit on your patio or go walk for a few minutes or text someone, text them, Hey, I love you. How can I pray for you today? Just create moments to love people. I’ve learned my time on earth that the people in our lives are what really matters. Everything else, it is good. We have to make money, we have to do that. But I always love reading articles about people who at the end of their lives and things they wish they would’ve done more. And number one is usually always spend time with people or love this person more. So I encourage people to take that time, your schedule’s not that important. Go give someone a hug or call ’em and check on ’em. It’s really going to make a difference for your health. It brings me so much joy and I notice less stress in my life when I can love on others.

Megan Lyons:

Okay. I am really failing at the idea of not adding on to every single one, but I just can’t restrain myself. One more time. In this case, Rhiannon, I am currently reading a book, I believe it’s called The Good Life. I can’t see it, it’s right over there. But it’s about this Harvard study that has followed a cohort of people for over 85 years. And the whole thesis is exactly what you just said. The people who are happiest all throughout their lives are those who prioritize relationships. So you Rhiannon can expect that in the mail coming soon. Aw, thank you. Everyone else, I highly recommend that book. If I got the title incorrect, then I will put the appropriate title in the show notes.

Rhiannon Bibbs:

That’s awesome. Thank you.

Megan Lyons:

Of course. Last but not least, Emily, what’s a health habit you like incorporating?

Emily Baker:

Awesome, thank you. So this one, I think it kind of actually ties into what everyone talked about and a little bit of the digital detox earlier, but personally just personality wise, I’m such a planner, so I like my little planners and setting intentions for the next day, et cetera. And I think there’s so much benefit to that. But even so, I find myself something, I’m working on a personal level, so health habit I’m trying to get better at is just remaining present in the moment also. And this ties into the relationships, it ties into grounding, it ties into getting away from the electronics for a bit of time each day. And so constantly reminding myself instead of always thinking, okay, what’s next? All the logistics and all the mental gymnastics we go through planning things just remaining present. As simple as it might sound, I am sure we can all agree it’s so much harder to actually do and there’s so much now that distracts us and is trying to pull our attention. So it’s something that I am personally trying to implement much more.

Megan Lyons:

Wow. I would think you were talking directly to me if I didn’t know you were talking right to the audience. No, I’m kidding. We all need to work on that. And I will take that opportunity to express again, my gratitude for all three of you because I would like to think I’m not that challenging to work with, but if I really look at it from an outsider’s perspective, I know there are some challenges. One of them is that I’m extremely planned and scheduled and all of that, and every single one of you do so well with that. You truly make my job so much easier, each one of you and I am infinitely grateful. So I’ll turn that question back over to you. And this is a question from the audience. What is your favorite thing about working at the Lyons’ Share? I think now it’s Rhiannon who gets to start? Take it away.

Rhiannon Bibbs:

Yes. Well, I have two. The first would be Megan, I have to give you your flowers. You’re just so awesome to work with. Seriously, one of the most genuine people that I’ve ever, ever met, even though we’ve never met in person, but I’ve ever known. Yes, that’s right. You’re so caring and supportive from day one and it’s just truly a joy working with you. I know. I always joke that it never feels like work because I’m learning about health and wellness every day and lifesaving things that I get to share with people, and you just make everything so pleasant. So I want to thank you for that and just thank you for allowing to be a part of the team. Thank you for number two. I would say the opportunity to better the lives of others. I think the information that we share and the work that’s done at the Lyons’ Share r is so important and it’s just an honor to be a part of that because we’re literally saving people’s lives in some instances, and I don’t take that work lightly at all. And so between you and the content we create, it’s just a joy being at the Lyons’ Share.

Megan Lyons:

Thank you. I didn’t know this is going to be something that would almost make me cry, but I appreciate that. How about you, Emily? What’s your favorite thing so far?

Emily Baker:

So a few things. I have many favorite things. First and foremost, it’s just been such an honor and joy to work with every single one of you, Rihanna, and I’ve heard so many good things about you and can’t wait to meet you as well. But just the whole team, just so supportive. And again, we’re all in this because we love what we do, and so having that environment is amazing. And then just the rewarding, it’s just so rewarding working with the clients themselves, and it’s such a joy and honor to be able to guide people through their health challenges. I’m just so passionate about that because of my personal background. And so it is just personally super rewarding for me. And Lyons’ Share is fantastic. Megan, you’re fantastic to kind of highlight Rihanna, what you just said, the most caring person and knowledgeable. And so it’s just an honor to work with all of you guys. Kass, you’re amazing. I don’t know. It’s fantastic. Love it.

Megan Lyons:

Thank you. We love you.

Emily Baker:


Megan Lyons:

Amazing. Last but not least, how about you, Kass?

Kass Backes:

Yes, of course. Well, I will most definitely. Third that, Megan, you are wonderful and our team is wonderful as well. You can just tell when you interact, when we interact with each other or interacting with clients, that I feel like we’re all so genuine and really here to support our clients on their health journey and support each other as well. I think that’s really unique and awesome. And another thing I really love is just the Lyons’ Share philosophy of combining that really functional medicine approach of looking upstream and really working to bring the body into balance, but also at the end of the day, personalizing everything and meeting each client where they’re at. So being able to combine that root cause approach with sustainability and goals and definitely lots of encouragement and whatever feels good to each client. And I think that makes the Lyons’ Share just so wonderful. And of course, the people.

Megan Lyons:

And the people. Yes. Thank you all for sharing that, and it just made me smile thinking about how we get so excited the three of us cast, Emily and myself and Rhiannon, we’re going to have to loop you into this particular aspect because you would love it. So that’s a to do for me as well. But we have a Slack board and one of the channels on there is called Wow. And we share our client successes, and I know every single one of us, when we see something pop up on that board, we get so excited even if we’re not working directly with the person. So for our audience members who are our clients or have been our clients, please know that every single step of the way we are cheering you on, we are just as excited about your health victories as you are. I can guarantee you that. And you have this whole entire team supporting you. We all for care so deeply about your health and your wellness and we are so, so grateful for the opportunity to work with all of you. So this has been so fun. I know the audience has loved it. I get the fortune of talking to each of you all the time, but since the audience doesn’t get to talk to you all the time, is there anything else any of you would like to say? No pressure to add anything on?

Emily Baker:

I think for me, just thank you to our clients for trusting us with your health. I think in especially this line of work where we’re in the functional medicine, root cause and nutrition kind of space, so many people that I see, so many of the clients are coming to us having gone through so many other routes already and frustrated with their health. And so just number one, thank you to the clients for trusting us with your health, and it’s just an honor to be able to walk with you through that.

Megan Lyons:


Kass Backes:

Amazing. I love that, Emily. Yeah, I second what Emily said, and I think whether you’re working with us or you just love to listen to wellness your way, wherever you’re at on your journey, just continuing to take it one step at a time. I know it can feel really overwhelming to, like Rhiannon was talking earlier with getting rid of the toxins in your home. A lot of steps, especially as we were talking about in social media, it can feel so overwhelming, but just continuing to take your health one step at a time regardless of where you’re at. I feel like there’s not really an end goal with health. It’s not really like you have end goals, like perfect health. It’s really just continuing on your health journey and really just continuing to work on that throughout our life journey.

Megan Lyons:

Amazing. Thank you for adding that.

Rhiannon Bibbs:

Yes. I would say thank you to all the podcast listeners. It truly is a joy editing the podcast every week and getting the information out, and I just love seeing all the downloads and we get the five star reviews and it just brings me so much joy to know that we’re bringing value to people’s lives. So thank you to everyone that has listened, ever listened, currently listening. We hope you enjoy and learn so much.

Megan Lyons:

Oh, so fantastic. Genuinely, we could keep this going for the next four hours, but we’ve got clients to see and places to go. So we will wrap it up here. I will be sure to put the link to work with Kass or Emily in the show notes and the link for Nhue Standard you can sign up for updates from Rhiannon. We genuinely appreciate all of you, listeners, all of you sharing the show, and I hope you enjoyed this episode. Can’t wait to be back with you next week.


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Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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