Can you believe that this week marks the end of July? If the days (and years!) are passing quickly, and you’re not getting a chance to step back and enjoy, you’re not alone. This week, though, join me in consciously trying to appreciate something every day, even if it’s just a tiny thing. It will make a big difference!(picture source)
Is there something you’ve been meaning to start (or change), but have been putting off for a while? Maybe an exercise routine, a commitment to eating breakfast every day, or carrying a bottle of water with you instead of a bottle of soda? Now is the perfect time to start that, too! (And if you’re looking for a new healthy habit, check out yesterday’s post, featuring 7 nutrition lessons we can learn from other cultures!)(picture source)
So tell me in the comments … what are you celebrating today? Anything you’re going to get started this week? Did you do anything healthy this weekend?