by | Aug 14, 2013 | 10 comments

How is your 30-Day Ab Challenge going?  I’m already feeling the burn!  If you haven’t joined in, it’s not too late!  It is too late, however, to write a real Work Out Wednesday post today (it’s in the very wee hours of the morning as I write this, but I’ll wait to post until the real morning) … so please forgive my delinquency as I share 7 interesting exercise-related articles that caught my eye this week.  Enjoy!

  1. 25 Worst Questions to Ask a Runner: if you’re a runner, you MUST click through to this hilarious Runners’ World article … I’ve heard almost every one of these! are you fast blog 8.14.13 (picture source)
  2. Exercise in a Pill: I was totally against every bit of this article (because exercise can be so fulfilling and good for the soul, and I want everyone to experience that!) … until the last paragraph, when I realized that scientists are trying to develop “exercise in a pill” with the aim to benefit those who physically cannot exercise.  Now that I can get behind.  However, something inside me refuses to believe that anyone will ever be able to recreate all the benefits of exercise (physical strength, endurance, mental, emotional, general health, self-confidence, etc.) in a mere pill.  Still, an interesting read!
  3. 13 Unexpected Ways to Fit In Cardio: while some of these seem a bit impractical (take a few laps around the grocery store just for more exercise?), most are really good reminders (drink a lot of water so you have to stand up and walk to the restroom frequently during the work day … I do this for sure!). fit in cardio blog 8.15.13 (picture source)
  4. The Owners’ Manual for the Female Runner: another one targeted at runners, but I think it applies to most forms of exercise for females.  Interesting considerations on what makes the exercising female body unique!
  5. How to do a Burpee: I have included burpees in two of my Lyons’ Share circuit workouts so far (links here and here!), because they’re an exercise I “love to hate” … I hate them while I’m doing them, but I know they work so well.  If you’ve ever questioned how to do one properly, read on! burpee 8.15.13(picture source)
  6. Yoga Poses to Relieve Hip and Back Pain: If I’m not careful about stretching and avoiding staying seated for long stretches of time, I can get some pretty rough hip and back pain, so I always appreciate reminders to stretch these areas out.
  7. 25 Ways to get Back on Track: Every single one of us gets off-track sometimes.  This is a great reminder that even the simplest of actions (work out for 5 minutes! eat a healthy breakfast! take the stairs!) can really help you get back on track.  So, what are you waiting for?  Take a step in the right direction! 25 ways to recommit blog 8.15.13 (picture source)

So tell me in the comments … have you read any great exercise articles lately?  Link them up here!  Any burning questions you have on fitness or exercise?


  1. Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table

    Great round up! I love all of the different ideas… I like to change things up all the time and keep the muscles confused.

    • Megan Lyons

      Thanks, Laura! Well, if we should be taking advice from anyone on fitness, it’s you!

  2. Caitlin

    i can’t remember the link but i recall an article about a 7 minute workout that, if done with maximum effort, is as good as an ‘average’ hour long workout! it was scientifically developed! but i think i’d prefer a fun step class 😉

    • Megan Lyons

      Thanks, Caitlin! Was it the New York Times 7 minute workout – link here?? It’s from a few months ago, but it was just blowing up all my news feeds when it came out. I’ve tried it a few times, and it’s a fun way to squeeze in a little activity if you’re pinched. In general, though, I’m 100% with you – a class (or a run for me!) seems more fun if you have time.

  3. Laurie

    How long is your marathon? That one made me laugh!

    Do you do “terminal laps” when you travel? 🙂

    • Megan Lyons

      I know … I hate to be annoyed when people ask about the distance of the marathon, because they’re trying to be supportive, but …. !!!

      “Terminal laps” are one of those things that I kind of roll my eyes at, because it sounds a little contrived, but then I totally do it anyway! Instead of laps, I think of it as just trying to browse what stores are in each terminal/ people watching/ whatever else. A great way to get moving when you’re just passing time anyway!

  4. Angela

    The 30 day ab challenge has been great so far! I started my plank at 1 min, and will continue to increase 5 sec everyday. The article on 25 questions is hilarious! Did you see the recent video of Mo Farrah being interviewed and the interviewer asked him if its his first race?!? :p

    • Megan Lyons

      Way to go, Angela! No, I didn’t see that video, but I think I will be doing some Googling today to scope it out – thanks for the suggestion!

      • Angela Nadler

        she asks, “Haven’t you run before” 😛


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Hi! I'm Megan Lyons,

the voice behind The Lyons’ Share. I love all things health, wellness, and fitness-related, and I hope to share some of my passion with you. Thanks for stopping by!
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